Will we need to fill in the customs ( ) form?
【简答题】 Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.[fee; react; expand; besides; quantity; stay; highly; device; customer; commercial]7. We have what we need in[填空1], but the quality is not satisfactory.
【简答题】 Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.[fee; react; expand; besides; quantity; stay; highly; device; customer; commercial]8.[填空1]civil servants, we still need a number of reliable military leaders.
【单选题】 We must ____ that our customs and habits are different from theirs.
①  keep up with
②  bring forward
③  keep in mind
④  come true
【多选题】 We need____________________ products.
①  a certain amount of
②  a great deal of
③  a great number of
④  a large number of
【单选题】 We need to [] the milk before it sours
①  drink
②  utilize
【单选题】 Raw material is ____ we are badly in need of.
①  what
②  whether
③  that
④  how
【单选题】 We need [填空] here this evening.
①  to stay
②  stay
③  staying
④  stayed
【单选题】 We need to design a new() for the third year.
①  source
②  system
③  syllabus
④  status
【单选题】 Wecan’tgeteverything ,so we need others to help.
①  done
②  do
③  doing
④  did
【判断题】 A: Maybe we should go Dutch today. B: We dont need to go there.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 下列关于3D变形的说法中,错误误的是( )
①  3D 变形是指某个元素围绕其x轴、y轴、z轴进行旋转
②  translate3d(x,y,z) 函数可以定义3D旋转
③  scale3d(x,y,z)函数可以定义3D缩放
④  perspective属性用于实现视觉上的3D效果
【判断题】 下列选项中定义动画animation的关键帧的是 @keyframes( )。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 绘制直线的方法是( )。
①  moveTo(x,y)
②  lineTo(x,y)
③  arc()
④  arcTo()
【单选题】 绘制实心文本正确的方法是( )。
①  lineTo(x,y)
②  moveTo(x,y)
③  strokeText(text,x,y)
④  fillText(text,x,y)
【单选题】 多个图层要实现层叠的必要条件是position属性的值必须是( )。
①  static
②  relative
③  absolute
④  fixed
【单选题】 绘制图像裁剪的方法是( )。
①  drawImage(image,x,y)
②  createPattern(image,type)
③  clip()
④  drawImage(image,x,y,width,height)
【单选题】 下列关于CSS3的圆角边框的说法中,错误的是( )
①  border-radius的四个值按照top-left、bottom-left、bottom-right、top-right的顺序设置。
②  如果border-radius只有一个值,代表水平和垂直的半径都相等
③  border-radius 属性中,如果省略 bottom-right,则与 top-left 相同
④  border-radius 属性中,如果省略 bottom-left,则与 top-right 相同
【单选题】 sessionStorage.key(index)方法的作用是 ( )。
①  保存数据
②  读取数据
③  得到某个索引的key
④  .删除单个数据
【单选题】 下列选项中能够清除div左右两边浮动的属性是( )。
①  clear
②  display
③  overflow
④  float
【单选题】 哪个 HTML5 元素用于显示已知范围内的标量测量( )
①  gauge
②  range
③  measure
④  meter