【单选题】 以下节日为蒙古族的是:
①  火把节
②  三月街
③  泼水节
④  那达慕大会
【单选题】 维吾尔族的动律特点是
①  懈胯
②  立腰
③  微颤
④  抬头
【单选题】 新疆维吾尔族的特色有( )
①  大盘鸡
②  酥油茶
③  奶豆腐
④  竹筒饭
【单选题】 新疆维吾尔族的特色有( )
①  大盘鸡
②  酥油茶
③  奶豆腐
④  竹筒饭
【单选题】 下列不属于维吾尔族习俗的是( )
①  有“无肉不算菜”的习惯
②  爱喝葡萄酒
③  待客常用手抓饭
④  与他人共吃一盘食物时,要将掉落的食物再放入盘内。
【单选题】 下列不属于维吾尔族习俗的是( )
①  有“无肉不算菜”的习惯
②  爱喝葡萄酒
③  待客常用手抓饭
④  与他人共吃一盘食物时,要将掉落的食物再放入盘内。
【判断题】 萨其马是新疆维吾尔族的传统点心。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 不属于维吾尔族的基本步伐是
①  横垫步
②  三步一抬
③  碎步
④  进退步
【判断题】 大盘鸡是新疆维吾尔族菜
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 蒙古族最富特色的舞蹈是:( )
①  农乐舞和长鼓舞
②  锅庄和弦子舞
③  安代舞和筷子舞
④  孔雀舞
【单选题】 He’s never again written ____ as his first one.
①  so good a book
②  such good a book
③  such good book
④  so a good book
【单选题】 “Where do you suggest going?” “We promised ____ the children to the West Lake.”
①  taking
②  to take
③  taken
④  took
【单选题】 Don’t be too ____ about things you are not supposed to know. ?
①  strange ?
②  amusing ?
③  curious ?
④  conscious?
【单选题】 To their surprise, they had much ____ and they even went to the same college. ?
①  in the same ?
②  in common ?
③  all the same ?
④  common things ?
【单选题】 ____ little earlier this morning! I missed the school bus by only a minute and had to wait in the cold for nearly an hour!
①  If I had got up
②  If only I get up
③  If only I had got up
④  If I got up
【单选题】 My son is Andy. My brother’s son is Ben. Andy and Ben are ____.
①  nephews
②  cousins
③  brothers
④  nieces
【单选题】 Education and medical care are very ____ in theUnited States.
①  much
②  cheap
③  many
④  expensive
【单选题】 Since the road is wet this morning, ____ last night. ?
①  it must have rained ?
②  ?it must rain ?
③  it must be raining ?
④  it must have been rained?
【单选题】 The factory is said ____ in a fire two years ago.
①  to have destroyed
②  to be destroyed
③  to destroy
④  to have been destroyed
【单选题】 The prices of the agricultural products have been ____ steadily in the past few years.
①  risen
②  raised
③  arisen
④  aroused