I am all ears, ____,I am listening to you with all attention.
in another words
in the other words
with other words
in other words
【判断题】 “in other words”是表示条件关系的表达。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 In the author’s opinion, if you cannot memorize all the new words you are learning, it is because _____.
①  you are forgetful
②  you are not working hard enough
③  you are not interested in memorizing English words
④  you are trying to memorize too many new words at a time
【单选题】 In a/an _______, words are grouped according to meaning. For example, all words that are related to the emotions.
①  thesaurus
②  dictionary
③  grammar book
④  article on morphology
【单选题】 I am sorry I have no time at present to ____ more detail or give you an account of other cities of interest.
①  bring into
②  take into
③  come into
④  go into
【单选题】 A well written composition ____ good choice of words and clear organization among other things.
①  calls for
②  calls on
③  calls up
④  calls off
【单选题】 A well written composition _____ good choice of words and clear organization among other things.
①  calls for
②  calls on
③  calls up
④  calls off
【单选题】 12.I am busy today. Maybe we can have lunch together _______other day.
①  any
②  each
③  some
④  every
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with thephrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[sell out; in other words; consist of; stand for; rely on; demand for; engage in; at hand; yield to; confront with]10. Id just like to move to a neighborhood where I wouldnt have to see all the problemsIam[填空1]every day.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[sell out; in other words; consist of; stand for; rely on; demand for; engage in; at hand; yield to; confront with]1. They have[填空1]of the brand that I like.
【多选题】 They all believed that Europeans were_____________ other people.
①  larger than
②  easier than
③  better than
④  superior to
【单选题】 肝硬化腹水患者每日进食盐量不应超过( )。
①  2 g/天
②  4 g/天
③  6 g/天
④  8 g/天
【单选题】 张某,肺心病伴呼吸衰竭。表现为呼吸困难,并有精神、神经症状,对其恰当的给氧方法是( )。
①  加压给氧
②  乙醇湿化给氧
③  低流量间断给氧
④  低流量、低浓度持续给氧
【单选题】 患者,男,65岁。近日排出柏油样粪便,其可能罹患的疾病是( )。
①  上消化道出血
②  肠套叠
③  下消化道出血
④  胆道梗阻
【单选题】 患儿,2岁。护士为其进行肌内注射时,最好选用的注射部位是( )。
①  臀中肌、臀小肌
②  上臂三角肌
③  前臂外侧肌
④  股内侧肌
【单选题】 少尿是指24小时尿量少于( )。
①  600 ml
②  400 ml
③  300 ml
④  200 ml
【单选题】 在为患者进行大量不保留灌肠的过程中,发现溶液流入受阻,首要的处理方法是( )。
①  提高灌肠袋的高度
②  嘱患者深呼吸
③  协助患者更换卧位
④  转动或挤压肛管
【单选题】 为限制患者坐起可用( )。
①  床挡
②  约束带
③  肩部固定法
④  双膝固定法
【单选题】 下列不是长期卧床并发症的是( )。
①  压疮
②  体位性低血压
③  腹泻
④  髋关节外旋
【单选题】 患者,李某,76岁,因脑出血昏迷,护士为其翻身后采取左侧卧位。患者的体位是( )。
①  主动卧位
②  被动卧位
③  被迫卧位
④  强制卧位
【单选题】 患者,刘某,48岁,骨折固定术后第2天,主诉伤口疼痛难忍,下列护理措施错误的是( )。
①  评估患者疼痛性质以及对疼痛的耐受程度
②  用数字式疼痛评估工具评估疼痛程度
③  告诉患者疼痛是正常反应,忍忍就好
④  遵医嘱给予口服止痛药物