I prefer______ at home to _____outside.
staying, playing
to stay, play
staying, play
to stay, playing
【单选题】 I don’t like to stay at home on Sundays. _______.
①  So do I
②  Neither do I
③  So am I
【多选题】 Now he ____ staying at home alone.
①  A.used to
②  B.be used to
③  C.be used
④  D.get used to
【单选题】 I often visited Tian’an Men Square ___ I was staying in Beijing.
①  until
②  during
③  while
④  throughout
【多选题】 _____________ , he had to stay at home to look after her.
①  His mother being ill
②  His mother ill
③  Although his mother was ill
④  As his mother was ill
【判断题】 I’m playing the pingpang in the room .
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 I _____ online games when my father came back.A. played B. am playing C. have played D. was playing
①  am playing
②  played
③  have played
④  was playing
【单选题】 17.We`d rather stay at home than go to the cinema, _____?.
①  hadwe
②  hadn`twe
③  wouldn`twe
④  wouldwe
【单选题】 —How long will you be staying?—_________________.
①  On Oct 20th.
②  At Friday.
③  Four days.
④  In a week.
【单选题】 _______ sports, I like drawing and playing the piano.
①  In addition
②  As well
③  Apart from
【判断题】 Mark and I are play basketball.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 古龙第一部武侠小说是1960年发表的( )
①  《浣花洗剑录》
②  《绝代双骄》
③  《大旗英雄传》
④  《苍穹神剑》
【单选题】 新派武侠小说的开创者是( )
①  郎红浣
②  金庸
③  梁羽生
④  古龙
【单选题】 梁羽生的第一部武侠小说是( )
①  《龙虎斗京华》
②  《老井》
③  《萍踪侠影录》
④  《白发魔女传》
【多选题】 《笑傲江湖》的主要人物有( )等。
①  令狐冲
②  岳不群
③  任盈盈
④  小龙女
【判断题】 “飞雪连天射白鹿,笑书神侠倚碧鸳。”金庸一共有十四部小说
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 旧派武侠小说可分为南北两派。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 旧派武侠小说家们创作了许多武侠名篇,如( )等。
①  王度庐的《卧虎藏龙》
②  还珠楼主的《蜀山剑侠传》
③  赵焕亭的《惊人奇侠传》
④  平江不肖生的《火烧红莲寺》
【判断题】 《白马啸西风》是古龙的作品
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 平江不肖生的《江湖奇侠传》出版后引起阅读狂潮,并改编成电影
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 徐枕亚的《玉梨魂》是民初最畅销的小说之一。
①  正确
②  错误