Would you like to ______us in our discussion.
take part in
taking part in
【单选题】 We are going to have a singing party tonight. Would you like to join us?___________
①  I’m afraid not, because I have to go to an important meeting.
②  Of course not. I have no idea.
③  No, I can’t.
④  That’s all set.
【单选题】 We are going to have a dancing party tonight. Would you like to join us?
①  I’m afraid not. Because I have an appointment with my dentist tonight
②  Of course not. I have no idea
③  No, I can’t
④  That’s all set
【单选题】 A: We are going to have a housewarming party tonight. Would you like to join us? B: [填空].
①  I have no idea.
②  Im afraid not, because I have to visit my parents
③  No, I cant.
④  Thats all set
【单选题】 It has always been the ___ of our firm to encourage workers to take part in social activities.
①  plan
②  campaign
③  procedure
④  policy
【单选题】 Would you like to go fishing with us now?
①  No, I don’t like
②  It sounds interesting but I have lots of homework to do
③  I won’t tell you
④  Oh, it is well
【单选题】 —Would you like to come to our party this weekend?—______.
①  Yes, it was an interesting party
②  No, I’d like to
③  I’m sorry that I won’t be able to attend the party
④  No
【单选题】 We shall ______ all our friends and allies in every part of the world to take the same course and pursue it.
①  appeal to
②  appeal for
③  appeal with
④  appeal of
【单选题】 Would you like to have dinner with us this evening?
①  OK, but I have to go to a meeting now
②  No, I can’t
③  I’d love to, but this evening I have to go to the airport to meet my parents
④  I don’t know
【单选题】 We should make a clear ____ between the two scientific terms for the purpose of our discussion.
①  separation
②  discrimination
③  deviation
④  distinction
【单选题】 _________ the regular classes, you can also attend many different seminars and take part in many extracurricular activities.
①  Except for
②  Including
③  Apart from
④  Included
【单选题】 下列命题正确的是( )
①  若两条直线和同一个平面所成的角相等,则这两条直线平行
②  若一个平面内有三个点到另一个平面的距离相等,则这两个平面平行
③  若一条直线平行于两个相交平面,则这条直线与这两个平面的交线平行
④  若两个平面都垂直于第三个平面,则这两个平面平行
【单选题】 与编程风格有关的因素不包括( )。
①  源程序文档化
②  语句构造
③  输入输出
④  程序的编译效率
【单选题】 两个或多个对象之间的相互依赖、相互作用的关系就是()。
①  继承
②  包含
③  关联
④  多对多
【判断题】 面向对象方法学的优点之一可重用性好,主要是利用类的继承性。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 已知x0,y0,且x+y=8,则(1+x)(1+y)的最大值为(  )
①  25
②  16
③  36
④  9
【填空题】 <img src="http://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/9310a239b7b7ea83e2edd1b5c0849b2c.png"/>[填空1]
【简答题】 为了提高访问效率,可以在设计中适当的增加[填空]。
【简答题】 <img src="http://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/f8d4c358707fba753469e48da6c9e106.png"/><img src="http://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/c02d3dcbcc6e9b4825c5a2da08f3f550.png"/>
【单选题】 <img src=http://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/b6592601b38d2119621dbe4c6eb9a29b.jpg/>
①  y=1+lnx(x0)
②  y=1-lnx(x0)
③  y=-1+lnx(x0)
④  y=-1-lnx(x0)
【单选题】 ()描述系统的动态动作和组成系统的对象间的交互关系,包括状态图与活动图。
①  静态图
②  行为图
③  交互图
④  用例图