The reason __he was absent from the meeting was _his car broke down on the way.
that; because
why; that
that; that
for; that
【单选题】 The reason _____ he was late for the meeting is _____ his car broke down on the road.
①  why; that
②  why; because
③  that; that
④  for which; because
【单选题】 The reason why he didn’t take the exam was _____ he had an accident on his way to the school.
①  because
②  because of
③  that
④  due to
【单选题】 The reason why the car was stopped was ____.
①  that the road was slippery
②  due to the slippery road
③  because the road was slippery
④  because of the slippery road
【单选题】 He will surely finish the job on time _______ he is left to do it in his own way.
①  in that
②  in case
③  as far as
④  so long as
【单选题】 He was absent today ____________ he was hit by a car.
①  because
②  so
③  or
④  since
【单选题】 ____ his illness, he came to the meeting.
①  Though
②  Because
③  Despite
④  Therefore
【单选题】 If they ___ to do this work, he might do it some other way.
①  were
②  should
③  will
④  can
【单选题】 When he bent down to tie his shoelace, the belt of his trousers _____.
①  ruined
②  cracked
③  broke
④  split
【单选题】 If they______to do this work,he might do it some other way.
①  were
②  should
③  will
④  can
【单选题】 He came to the meeting ____ his serious illness.
①  inspite of
②  in spite
③  despite of
④  despite
【多选题】 安全生产管理机构的设置和专、兼职安全生产管理人员的配备,是根据生产经营单位的()等因素来确定的。
①  A.生产性质
②  B.从业人数
③  C.危险性
④  D.规模大小
【多选题】 安全生产管理机构的设置和专、兼职安全生产管理人员的配备,是根据生产经营单位的()等因素来确定的。
①  A.生产经营单位的地理位置
②  B.从业人员多少
③  C.危险性大小
④  D.生产经营规模大小
【多选题】 对高炉生产技术水平和经济效益的总要求是()。
①  A.优质
②  B.低耗
③  C.长寿
④  D.节焦
【多选题】 作业安全风险管理的基础包括()。
①  A.安全风险评估
②  B.危险源辨识
③  C.预控
④  D.风险控制
【多选题】 根据《国家电网公司生产技术改造工作管理规定》相关规定,生产技术改造工作以保障()为核心,强化全寿命周期管理,在实施资产(设备)评价的基础上,有序开展。
①  A.电网
②  B. 管理设备
③  C.人身安全
④  D.供电可靠性评价
【多选题】 运行部门负责收集、整理、上报基础数据(市场部门提供管辖范围专线、专变用户的基础数据)。基础数据由同级生产技术部门负责()并实行归口管理。
①  A.计划
②  B. 审核
③  C.汇总
④  D. 实施
【多选题】 关于施工单位职工安全生产培训下列说法正确的是:()。
①  A.施工单位自主决定培训
②  B.培训制度无硬性规定
③  C.施工单位应当加强对职工的教育培训
④  D.施工单位应当建立、健全教育培训制度
【单选题】 下列()选项不属于企业取得安全生产许可证所应当具备的安全生产条件。
①  A.建立、健全安全生产责任制,制定完备的安全生产规章制度和操作规程
②  B.安全投入符合安全生产要求
③  C.设置安全生产管理机构,配备专职安全生产管理人员
④  D.企业负责人学历要求为本科以上
【单选题】 在()中,我国第一次以法律形式确立了企业安全生产的准入制度,是强化安全生产源头管理,全面落实“安全第一,预防为主”安全生产方针的重大举措。
①  A.《建筑法》
②  B.《安全生产法》
③  C.《建设工程安全生产管理条例》
④  D.《安全生产许可证条例》
【单选题】 安全文化由安全物质文化、安全行为文化、安全制度文化、安全精神文化组成。安全文化建设是通过创造一种良好的安全人文氛围和协调的人机环境,引导员工主动遵章守纪,养成良好的安全行为习惯。安全文化建设的目标是()。
①  A.全员参与
②  B.以人为本
③  C.持续改进
④  D.综合治理