The reason __he was absent from the meeting was _his car broke down on the way.
that; because
why; that
that; that
for; that
【单选题】 The reason _____ he was late for the meeting is _____ his car broke down on the road.
①  why; that
②  why; because
③  that; that
④  for which; because
【单选题】 The reason why he didn’t take the exam was _____ he had an accident on his way to the school.
①  because
②  because of
③  that
④  due to
【单选题】 The reason why the car was stopped was ____.
①  that the road was slippery
②  due to the slippery road
③  because the road was slippery
④  because of the slippery road
【单选题】 He will surely finish the job on time _______ he is left to do it in his own way.
①  in that
②  in case
③  as far as
④  so long as
【单选题】 He was absent today ____________ he was hit by a car.
①  because
②  so
③  or
④  since
【单选题】 ____ his illness, he came to the meeting.
①  Though
②  Because
③  Despite
④  Therefore
【单选题】 If they ___ to do this work, he might do it some other way.
①  were
②  should
③  will
④  can
【单选题】 When he bent down to tie his shoelace, the belt of his trousers _____.
①  ruined
②  cracked
③  broke
④  split
【单选题】 If they______to do this work,he might do it some other way.
①  were
②  should
③  will
④  can
【单选题】 He came to the meeting ____ his serious illness.
①  inspite of
②  in spite
③  despite of
④  despite
【单选题】 佝偻病、贫血是学前儿童常见的( )疾病。
①  营养性
②  呼吸道
③  消化系统
④  五官
【单选题】 幼儿园疾病防御活动的方式不应该只采用( )。
①  手偶表演
②  情境表演动画片
③  动画片
④  单纯说教
【单选题】 ( )是儿童生理系统迅速发展的时期。
①  少年期
②  青年期
③  学前期
④  婴儿期
【单选题】 学前期儿童( )系统发展最快。
①  生殖系统
②  呼吸系统
③  循环系统
④  神经系统
【单选题】 《幼儿园教育指导纲要》中的体育目标有帮助学前儿童认识自己身体结构的功能,掌握初步的( )技能和安全技能。
①  自我保护
②  运动
③  生活
④  学习
【单选题】 《幼儿园教育指导纲要》中的体育目标有促进幼儿身心正常、协调的发展,增强学前儿童( )。
①  身体素质
②  体能
③  体质
④  运动技能
【单选题】 儿童不能从高处往硬地上跳,因为儿童足弓发育不成熟,会对儿童( )有伤害。
①  膝盖
②  大腿
③  韧带
④  大脑
【单选题】 学前儿童基本体操不包括( )。
①  队列队形训练
②  徒手操
③  双杠
④  器械操
【单选题】 能听信号变速走、变速跑是( )班儿童体育的目标和内容。
①  托班
②  小班
③  中班
④  大班
【单选题】 中班体育的目标和内容要求幼儿能快跑( )米。
①  15
②  20
③  25
④  30