The doctor gave the old man a _____ examination and congratulated him on his speedy recovery.
【单选题】 His landlady gave him a weeks ___ to leave the flat.
①  threat
②  notice
③  advice
④  caution
【简答题】 Who was the old man? And what was he doing when they saw him?
【单选题】 The old man sat in a chair, ____________ a quick and sharp look at him.
①  take
②  took
③  taking
④  taken
【单选题】 The only pleasure that Einstein ____ his great fame was the ability it gave him to help others.
①  resulted from
②  stirred up
③  turned out
④  derived from
【单选题】 Was it until the1990s ____ the old man finally got a house of his own?
①  when
②  that
③  which
④  how
【单选题】 But for the immediate help from his neibour, the old man______of hunger fifteen years ago.
①  must die
②  must have died
③  would die
④  would have died
【单选题】 7. With careful examination, they were convinced that the picture was______.
①  real
②  exact
③  true
④  genuine
【单选题】 There is [填空] old book.[填空] old book is Doctor Wangs.
①  an,The
②  the,An
③  a,The
④  the,The
【单选题】 The old man ______ across the street
①  walked
②  was walking
③  walks
④  were walking
【判断题】 He is less careful than his sister.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 观察法的主要特点是调查人员直接或借助仪器把要观察的事实记录下来,被调查者的活动不受外在因素影响,取得的第一手材料更加客观。该说法:( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 在营销实践中,终端顾客接触最多的各类生产厂家的促销活动。该说法:( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 战略性4P不包括哪一项( )
①  诊断
②  渠道
③  细分
④  择优化
⑤  市场定位
【单选题】 下列关于需要、欲望和需求的描述错误的是( )
①  需求是指对有能力购买并且愿意购买某个具体产品的欲望
②  欲望是指想要得到这些基本需要的具体满足物的愿望
③  对需要、欲望和需求加以区分没有什么用
④  需要是指没有得到某些基本满足的感受状态
【单选题】 ( )是指广告媒体通过艺术与美的形式来传递商品信息,用美来吸引消费者已达到促销目的的功能。
①  诱导功能
②  认识功能
③  艺术功能
【单选题】 备件传递的能力分类中,( )通常是指在设备中通过机械传动传递能力的备件
①  机械备件
②  金属备件
③  电气备件
【单选题】 学前儿童科学教育的( )环境是指在幼儿园内,创设浓厚的科学学习氛围,为学前儿童的科学活动营造良好的心理气氛
①  物质
②  心理
③  自然
④  社会
【单选题】 通常在使用位元件组时,X和Y位元件的首地址最低位设为()。
①  3
②  2
③  0
④  1
【单选题】 萌芽阶段的各项研究为消费者行为学的产生奠定了基础,其研究的重点是( )
①  促进企业的产品销售和广告问题
②  满足消费者需求
③  消费者权益的保护
④  产品生产
【单选题】 决策者在做出购买决策时主要考虑因素不包括( )
①  信息全面、准确和及时性
②  物品的急需程度和经济的可行性
③  个人因素
④  购买方案择优性