Little girls and elderly ladies in kimonos ___teenagers and women in western dress.
rubbed the shoulder with
rubbed shoulders with
rubbed shoulder with
rubbed the shoulders with
【单选题】 This organization brought Western artists together in the hope of making more of an impact on the art community ____any of them could individually and to promote Western art by women.
①  rather than
②  rather
③  than
④  other than
【单选题】 The better the elderly people are known, they are.
①  the happier
②  the happy
③  so happy
④  very happy
【单选题】 The subjugation of the western Hemisphere______ his will…
①  to
②  in
③  according to
④  against
【判断题】 The girls are studying in the classroom.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 What is the correct serving order of western dishes?
①  appetizer, soup, side dishes, main course, dessert, coffee/tea.
②  soup, appetizer, dessert, side dishes, main course, coffee/tea.
③  side dishes, appetizer, soup, main course, dessert, coffee/tea.
④  dessert, coffee/tea, side dishes, appetizer, soup, main course.
【单选题】 This is a big class, and ______ of the students are girls.
①  two third
②  second three
③  two thirds
④  two three
【单选题】 Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. The plane __________.
①  takes off
②  ia taking off
③  has taken off
④  took off
【单选题】 Encouraging the elderly people to participate games is very important.
①  at
②  in
③  with
④  for
【单选题】 The caregivers hope the elderly people will soon.(考点:recover)
①  regain
②  restore
③  recover
④  refeel
【判断题】 Some girls is singing in the classroom now.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 母系亲是指通过母亲的血缘关系为中介联系的亲属。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 婚姻家庭法属于部门法、程序法和国内法。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 结婚是指男女双方按照法律规定的条件和程序,确立夫妻关系的法律行为,结婚也称作婚姻的成立。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 男女平等原则,其核心内容是指男女两性在婚姻关系和家庭生活的各个方面都享有平等的权利,承担平等的义务。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 包办婚姻是指婚姻关系以外的第三人(包括父母)违反婚姻自由原则,在完全违背婚姻当事人意愿的情况下,强迫其缔结的婚姻。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 关于婚约的特点,下列正确的有( )
①  婚约必须由当事人双方亲自订立且意思表示真实
②  婚约可以由双方父母代为订立
③  婚约当事人双方不得有法定的婚姻障碍
④  婚约是非要式行为
【多选题】 以下哪些是配偶关系终止的原因?( )
①  因配偶一方自然死亡而终止
②  因配偶一方宣告死亡而终止
③  因为夫妻离婚而终止
④  因为夫妻分居而终止
【多选题】 婚姻自由,一般包括哪两个方面的含义?( )
①  结婚自由
②  离婚自由
③  订婚自由
④  解除婚约自由
【单选题】 婚姻家庭法,是指调整婚姻家庭关系的( ),以及由此所产生的特定范围的亲属之间的权利义务关系的法律规范的总和。
①  发生
②  终止
③  发生或终止
④  发生和终止
【单选题】 婚姻当事人有权根据法律的规定,自主自愿的决定自己的婚姻问题,不受任何人的强制和非法干涉是婚姻家庭法的哪一项原则?( )
①  男女平等原则
②  婚姻自由原则
③  一夫一妻原则
④  实行计划生育原则