The few Americans and Germans seemed just as _____ as I was.
【判断题】 A: Sorry, Mr. Thomas left here just a few minutes ago. B: May I take a message?
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 3.In the few months of the war his army seemed ______ , but soon it met its Waterloo.
①  strong
②  . vincible
③  invincible
④  popular
【单选题】 I _____ a few high school classmates at KFC yesterday.
①  came across
②  came along
③  came to
④  came on
【判断题】 I just couldn’t make my mind, so in the end I bought both.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 He ____ have left the campus, for I saw in the classroom just a minute ago
①  mustn’t
②  shouldn’t
③  couldn’t
④  oughtn’t
【单选题】 —I’m sorry to keep you waiting. —Oh, not at all. I___ here only a few minutes.
①  have been
②  had been
③  was
④  will be
【判断题】 There were many Germans at the studium.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 — I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week. — Is that ____ you had a few days off?
①  why
②  when
③  what
④  which
【判断题】 “Don’t panic; just hold on that rock and I’ll come and fetch you down.”
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 The teacher told me that the students I wanted to see were seen___ football on the playground just now.
①  playing
②  to be playing
③  play
④  to play
【单选题】 槟榔不具有的功效是()。
①  杀虫
②  截疟
③  止血
④  消积
⑤  行气
【单选题】 大蓟与小蓟除凉血止血外,还均能()。
①  利尿通淋
②  清泻肝火
③  清热安胎
④  散瘀消痈
⑤  化痰止咳
【单选题】 丹参不具有的功效是()。
①  利尿通淋
②  凉血消痈
③  活血祛瘀
④  清心除烦
⑤  通经止痛
【单选题】 苦杏仁的功效是()。
①  止咳平喘,解痉定痛
②  止咳平喘,降气化痰
③  止咳平喘,清肠疗痔
④  止咳平喘,润肠通便
⑤  止咳平喘,利水消肿
【单选题】 珍珠不具有的功效是()。
①  解毒敛疮
②  活血散瘀
③  明目除翳
④  安神定惊
⑤  润肤消斑
【单选题】 僵蚕不具有的功效是()。
①  息风止痉
②  化痰散结
③  祛风止痛
④  平喘利尿
⑤  消肿止痒
【单选题】 鹿茸不具有的功效是()。
①  调冲任
②  祛风湿
③  益精血
④  托疮毒
⑤  壮肾阳
【单选题】 能涩肠止泻,温中行气的药物是()。
①  肉豆蔻
②  五倍子
③  石榴皮
④  赤石脂
⑤  五味子
【单选题】 轻粉不具有的功效是()。
①  祛痰消积
②  补火助阳
③  敛疮
④  攻毒杀虫
⑤  逐水通便
【单选题】 我国历史上第一部官修药典性本草著作是()。
①  《证类本草》
②  《新修本草》
③  《神农本草经》
④  《本草经集注》
⑤  《本草纲目》