Hiroshima, as you know, is a city familiar ______ everyone.
【单选题】 Are you familiar _____ these technical terms?
①  with
②  to
③  for
④  as
【单选题】 -Ann, congratulations! Your cuisine was ?very successful and everyone ______. -Thank you, I just tried my ?best. I am happy to know you enjoyed it.
①  had impressed
②  impressed
③  has impressed
④  was impressed
【单选题】 As I will be away for at least a year,Id appreciate________from you now and then so that I can know how everyone is getting along.
①  having heard
②  to hear
③  hearing
④  being heard
【单选题】 16. As I will be away for at least a year, I’d appreciate____ from you now and then so that I can know how everyone is getting along.
①  having heard
②  to hear
③  hearing
④  beingheard
【单选题】 It is no good ___________ to know what you dont know.
①  pretend
②  to pretend
③  pretending
④  pretends
【单选题】 Do you know the man _______?
①  whom I spoke
②  to who spoke
③  I spoke to
④  that I spoke
【单选题】 The more people you know, ___________ knowledge you get.
①  the much
②  the more
③  more
④  much
【单选题】 Do you know ______at the bus stop?
①  whom they are waiting for
②  who they are waiting
③  whom are they waiting for
④  who are they waiting
【单选题】 You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is ____ I disagree.
①  why
②  where
③  what
④  when
【单选题】 Everyone gets older, but you look ______ than ever.
①  young
②  younger
③  youngest
④  more young
【单选题】 避雷器的绝缘电阻不得低于()MΩ。
①  0.5
②  3
③  1
④  2
【判断题】 低压断路器是一种重要的控制和保护电器,断路器都装有灭弧装置,因此可以安全地带负荷合、分闸。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 电压互感器的功能是在一、二次绕组间产生电磁关系,将(????)进行变换。
①  电阻
②  电压
③  电流
④  电容
【单选题】 安装家庭电路时,下列说法错误的是(????)?。
①  各个电灯之间并联
②  开关应控制火线
③  插座与电灯之间并联
④  火线零线都要安装保险丝
【单选题】 电气工程中用得最多的低压配电系统接地形式是( )。
①  TN-C-S系统
②  TN-S系统
③  TT系统
④  IT系统
【判断题】 负荷中心一般有变电所或配电所,电压的升高或降低是通过(变压器)来完成。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 消防连动设备在接到火警信号后在3S内发出控制信号,特殊情况与要设置延迟时间时,最大延迟时间不应超过()。
①  15min
②  18min
③  10min
④  5min
【单选题】 在电梯出现超速状态时,()首先动作而带动其他装置使电梯立即制停。
①  选层器
②  安全钳
③  限速器
④  缓冲器
【单选题】 电流流过人体,造成对人体内部器官的伤害称为() 。
①  电击
②  电伤
③  电烙印
【单选题】 雷电流所含的频谱主要集中在()以内,在0~1kHz的幅度较大,随着频率增大幅值很快降低。
①  15kHz
②  20kHz
③  25kHz
④  0kHz