Which of the following did the Sad Young Men enjoy?
the Babbitts
Victorian gentility
Bohemianism and eccentricity
The hypocritical do-goodism of Prohibition
【单选题】 “The Sad Young Men” actually refers to _________.
①  the lost generation
②  the angry young men
③  Beat generation
④  the war profiteers
【单选题】 The Sad Young Men included a group of young intellectuals except ________.
①  Hemingway and Dos Passos
②  Rod W. Horton and Herbert W. Edwards
③  F. Scott Fitzgerald and Eugene O’Neill
④  Ezra Pound, T. S. Eliot and E. E. Cummings
【单选题】 Which of the following do not belong to minimal pair?
①  Will well
②  Till tell
③  Fill fell
④  Well well.
【单选题】 The young men began to enlist for ________.
①  fun in the war
②  the war before it was too late
③  the democracy before the war ended
④  the Victorian gentility after the war
【单选题】 —Did you enjoy your college life?—______.
①  Yes, it was rich and colorful
②  No, it is interesting
③  I like my college very much
④  yes, it is.
【判断题】 In the Twenties the young people could enjoy alcohol legally.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Which of the following statement is not true?
①  Grammatical competence is essential for communication
②  There is a positive role of instruction for grammar learning
③  Grammar teaching can enhance learner proficiency
④  Grammar learning is completely useless for children.
【单选题】 Which of the following is the advantage of pair work?
①  It is an ideal way to show materials and do presentations together
②  It allows students to work together rather than under teacher’s guidance
③  It reinforces a sense of belonging among a group of members
④  It is very stressful.
【单选题】 Which of the following belong to pronunciation perception practice?
①  using minimal pairs, odd one out
②  Which order, completion
③  Same or different
④  All of the above.
【单选题】 Which of the following is not written by Henry James?
①  Daisy Miller
②  The Wings of the Dove
③  The American
④  Self-Reliance
【单选题】 公司没有给电焊工人王某配发护目镜,王某可以( )。①要求单位配发护目镜;②批评单位这种违法行为;③向有关部门举报;④在没有护目镜时继续工作
①  ①③④
②  ②③④
③  ①②③
④  ①②④
【单选题】 机动车维修人员小胡在维修过程中,由于支车时千斤顶没有放置平稳导致被轧伤造成骨折。此时对其进行急救,下列做法不正确的是( )。
①  要注意伤者的神志,呼吸和脉搏
②  要处理活动性出血,防止失血性休克
③  运送小胡要力求做到平稳,舒适,少震动
④  止血带可以用毛巾,绳索等,同时一定要用衣服,布类作里衬
【单选题】 指压法要注意的是( )。
①  适用于毛细血管止血
②  施压时间切勿超过15分钟
③  在上臂上三分之一处固定
④  骨折时需夹板固定
【单选题】 生产过程中防止振动的措施有(  )。
①  屏蔽
②  穿戴防振手套、防振鞋等个人防护用品
③  从工艺和技术上消除或减少振动源
④  方向和位置控制
【单选题】 导致金属肺的原因是长期吸入( )。
①  二氧化硅
②  煤尘
③  石灰粉
④  锰尘
【单选题】 市场营销学的研究对象是企业在市场上的各类活动及其规律性,即研究卖方的产品和劳务是如何转移到消费者和用户手中的全过程。该说法:( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 波士顿矩阵法的基本法则不包括哪一项( )
①  跟踪移动速度法则
②  实事求是法则
③  黑球失败法则
④  东北方向大吉
⑤  成功的月牙环
【单选题】 多样化增长策略不包括哪种形式( )
①  集团式多样化增长
②  垂直多样化增长
③  同心性多样化增长
④  水平多样化增长
【单选题】 产品定位的方法是,将本企业和竞争对手的产品,按质量和价格两个因素(按性能、服务亦可)作为横坐标和纵坐标,构建坐标图,寻找坐标平面上的空白位置,选择产品开发的方向和目标。该说法:( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 从宏观角度来认识,市场是所有交换关系活动的总和。该说法:( )
①  正确
②  错误