【判断题】 鲁迅《在酒楼上》的主人公是闰土。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 闰土是鲁迅小说《祝福》中的主要人物
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 鲁迅在小说《祝福》中塑造了典型的女性人物形象是是()
①  单四嫂子
②  七斤嫂
③  祥林嫂
④  子君
【多选题】 以下故事情节,属于鲁迅小说《在酒楼上》的是
①  奉母命为三岁时夭亡的小兄弟迁葬
②  给旧时的邻家姑娘阿顺送两朵剪绒花
③  茶馆主人华老栓夫妇为儿子小栓买人血馒头治病
④  与少年闰土的友情
⑤  四铭买了葵绿色的肥皂
【单选题】 以下哪个是沈从文小说《边城》中的人物形象
①  萧萧
②  三三
③  龙珠
④  傩送
【判断题】 老舍在小说《断魂枪》中成功塑造了神枪手“沙子龙”这位传奇人物形象。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 小说《在酒楼上》中的“我”与“吕纬甫”身上都有鲁迅对个人精神状况的审视。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 祥林嫂是鲁迅小说《故乡》中的主要人物
①  正确
②  错误
【简答题】 田汉早期的剧作在人物形象的塑造上有什么独特之处?
【多选题】 属于茅盾小说中资本家形象系列的人物形象是?
①  吴荪甫
②  林永清
③  何耀先
④  赵惠民
【简答题】 韩愈诗歌[填空],白居易诗歌平易,在诗歌创作上表现出两个极端。
【单选题】 Doctor: ____ Patient: I’ve caught a bad cold and got a sour throat.?
①  What seems to be the problem? ?
②  ?Do you have anything to declare, sir??
③  Good morning. May I help you? ?
④  How have you been getting along recently??
【单选题】 He as well as I ____ to go boating.
①  want
②  wants
③  enjoy
④  enjoys
【单选题】 Have a nice weekend! - ____.
①  The same as you
②  The same to you
③  You have it, too
④  You do, too
【单选题】 The two families____ up through the marriage of a daughter and a son. ?
①  linked ?
②  closed ?
③  separated ?
④  attached.?
【单选题】 ____ he tried his best , he still failed the examination.
①  Although
②  Even although
③  However
④  Because
【单选题】 The research results show that the earth goes a little faster ____ it is closer to the sun.
①  when
②  so that
③  than
④  as if
【单选题】 As she matured as an artist, she _____ realize that “all artists are a product of their culture.”
①  came to
②  kept to
③  took to
④  went to
【单选题】 I have nothing to say____ your complaints.
①  as a result of
②  in addition to
③  with regard to
④  on behalf of
【单选题】 There ____ a pencil, two books and some paper.
①  are
②  be
③  am
④  is