【单选题】 利用梁的某截面内力影响线可求移动荷载下梁的()。
①  所有截面的内力
②  指定截面的内力
③  任一截面的内力
④  该截面相应的内力
【单选题】 利用梁的某截面内力影响线可求移动荷载下梁的( )。
①  所有截面的内力
②  指定截面的内力
③  任一截面的内力
④  与该截面相应的内力
【判断题】 当单位移动荷载结构上移动时,表示某一量值变化规律的图形,称为该量值的影响线。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 在单位荷载作用下,静定结构内力影响线的形状为()
①  分段直线
②  分段曲线
③  直杆结构时为直线,曲杆结构时为曲线
④  说不清
【判断题】 在非荷载因素(支座移动、温度变化、材料收缩等)作用下,静定结构不产生内力,但会有位移,且位移只与杆件相对刚度有关。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 超静定结构在温度变化和支座移动作用下的内力和位移计算中,各杆的刚度应为()。
①  均用相对值
②  均须用绝对值
③  内力计算用相对值,位移计算用绝对值
④  内力计算用绝对值,位移计算用相对值
【单选题】 超静定结构在荷载作用下的内力和位移计算中,各杆的刚度为()。
①  均用相对值
②  均必须用绝对值
③  内力计算用绝对值,位移计算用相对值
④  内力计算可用相对值,位移计算须用绝对值
【单选题】 对称抛物线三铰拱在满跨竖向均布荷载作用下,其截面内力特点是( )。
①  弯矩=0.剪力=0,轴力≠0
②  弯矩=0,剪力≠0,轴力≠0
③  弯矩≠0,剪力=0,轴力=0
④  弯矩≠0,剪力≠0,轴力≠0
【单选题】 荷载效应是指内力、位移、裂缝、应力。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 静定结构在非荷载外因(支座移动、温度改变、制造误差)左营下,不产生内力,但产生位移。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 A: Hello, [填空] Can I help you? B: Yes, this is Lin Xiaoyan. Could I speak to Mark Strong, please?
①  Who are you?
②  Whos speaking?
③  Im the secretary.
④  ABHK Bank.
【单选题】 A: Long time no see, Mary. B: [填空] A: OK.
①  Well, how have you been?
②  How do you do?
③  Nice to meet you.
④  Fancy meeting you here.
【单选题】 A: Hi, my name is Lin Xiaoyan. Its nice to meet you. B: Im Jack. [填空]
①  You know?
②  How are you, Lin Xiaoyan?
③  Its pleasure to meet you, Lin Xiaoyan.
④  Youre busy, arent you?
【单选题】 A: Well, its time for us to go. B: [填空].
①  Nice to meet you
②  Have a nice day
③  I wish you a pleasant journey
④  I hope you will soon feel better
【单选题】 A: I need to buy a wedding gift for Jane. B: Should we stop at the shopping center? A: [填空]. The weddings not until next week, but I wont have time later to get them anything.
①  Wont be necessary
②  Its your call
③  I suppose so
④  If you insist
【单选题】 A: Its a long journey. You look tired. [填空]? B: Yes. Could you take that suitcase, please? A: Sure.
①  Wheres your luggage
②  How can I help you
③  Do you mind my help
④  May I help you with anything
【单选题】 A: Are you ready for the test tomorrow? B: [填空] A: Come on, I am sure you will do well.
①  Why do you ask?
②  No. Im afraid not.
③  Sure, no problem.
④  What about you?
【单选题】 A: Do I have the pleasure to buy you a drink? B:[填空].
①  Its your pleasure
②  Its very kind of you
③  Youre too nice to me
④  You spend money again
【单选题】 A:Happy birthday! Heres a gift for you. B: [填空].
①  Thats good. How much is it?
②  Wow, it is great! Thank you.
③  It must be very expensive.
④  You shouldnt have bought it.
【单选题】 A: Are you following me? B: [填空]
①  Can you walk slowly, please?
②  Let me think of it.
③  Im afraid not.
④  Who knows?