TCP/IP 即传输控制协议/网际协议,它是由一组通信协议组成的协议集,用来将各种计算机和数
【判断题】 TCP∕IP协议的结构是由传输层和网际协议层组成.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 TCP是传输控制协议,IP协议又称()。
①  局域网协议
②  广域网协议
③  因特网协议
④  内联网协议
【单选题】 TCP/IP协议规定,每个IP地址由()组成。
①  网络地址和端口地址
②  网络地址和主机地址
③  网络地址和协议地址
④  主机地址和协议地址
【单选题】 TCP/IP协议称为()。
①  网际协议
②  中转控制协议
③  Network内部协议
④  传输控制协议/网际协议
【判断题】 IP协议是网际层的核心协议。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 TCP/IP协议是Internet中计算机之间通信所必须共同遵循的一种()。
①  信息资源
②  通信规定
③  软件
④  硬件
【单选题】 TCP/IP协议是Internet中计算机之间通信所必须共同遵循的一程( )
①  通信规则
②  信息资源
③  软件
④  硬件
【单选题】 TCP/IP协议是Internet中计算机之间通信所必须共同遵循的一种()。
①  信息资源
②  通信规定
③  软件
④  硬件
【单选题】 在TCP/IP协议簇的层次中,解决计算机之间通信问题是在( )。
①  物理层
②  网际层
③  传输层
④  应用层
【单选题】 在TCP/IP协议簇的层次中,解决计算机之间通信问题是在( )
①  A网络接口层
②  B网际层
③  C传输层
④  D应用层
【单选题】 His salary as a driver is much higher than ______.
①  a porter
②  is a porter
③  that of a porter
④  as a porter
【单选题】 We’ve missed the last bus, I’m afraid we have no _______ but to take a taxi.
①  way
②  choice
③  possibility
④  selection
【单选题】 England is an island country. _______ consists of three principal islands, and _______ climate is generally mild.
①  She;her
②  She;its
③  He;his
④  It;its
【单选题】 There was so much noise in the classroom that the teacher couldn’t make himself _______.
①  heard
②  hearing
③  to hear
④  hear
【单选题】 He will surely finish the job on time _______ he is left to do it in his own way.
①  in that
②  in case
③  as far as
④  so long as
【单选题】 When the girl heard the news, she could do nothing but ______ back home.
①  going
②  went
③  to go
④  go
【单选题】 Due to the fact that she was naturally timid, she shrank from any ____ social and cultural activities.
①  comprehension of
②  study on
③  success in
④  participation in
【单选题】 The shop offers almost everything()ranges from inexpensive to very expensive.
①  that
②  which
③  who
④  in which
【单选题】 I am unhappy because she accepted my invitation _______ .
①  passively
②  extremely
③  undoubtedly
④  unwillingly
【单选题】 It’s getting late and I have to leave now.____________
①  So soon! I hope youve enjoyed it.
②  Have a cup of tea.
③  Not at all.
④  How about a cup of coffee?