下面四个选项中,均是合法整型常量的选项是( )。
160 -oxffff 011
-Oxcdf 01a 0xe
-01 986,012 0668
-Ox48a 2e5 0x
【单选题】 下面四个选项中,均是合法转义字符的选项是( )。
①  ‘\’ ‘\\ ‘\n’
②  ‘\’‘\017’‘\’
③  ‘\018’‘\f’‘xab’
④  ‘\\0’‘101’‘xlf’
【单选题】 以下四个选项中,属于实型常量的是()
①  0x12
②  -12345e-3
③  1e0.5
④  e-5
【单选题】 程序段G17G01G41X0Y0D01中的D01的含义是()。
①  刀具编号;
②  刀具补偿偏置寄存器的地址号;
③  直接指示刀具补偿的数值;
④  刀具前角的大小
【多选题】 以下选项中不合法的字符常量是( )。
①  B
②  \010
③  68
④  D
【单选题】 给出四个命题“5>2”,“x2+1>0”,“方程x2=1只有一个实数根”,“张建的姓氏是张”。其中真命题的个数为( )
①  3个
②  1个
③  4个
④  2个
【单选题】 下列四组选项中,均是C语言关键字的选项是( )。
①  auto enum include
②  switch typedef continue
③  signed union scanf
④  if struct type
【单选题】 关于异常匹配,下面四个选项中,那个说法是不正确的:()
①  catch()会捕获所有的异常
②  void*参数类型的异常处理器会捕获所有指针类型的异常
③  catch参数处理器为基类指针或引用类型,会捕获派生类指针或引用类型
④  如果有多个匹配的异常处理器,则程序编译时无法通过
【单选题】 执行下面程序段后,输出字符B的个数是(   )x=0;while(x=5){printf("B");x+=2;}
①  0个
②  3个
③  5个
④  6个
【单选题】 下面的四个选项中,可以对数组a进行正确初始化的语句是()。
①  int a[10]=(0,0);
②  int a[10]={};
③  int a[]=(0);
④  int a[10]={10*1};
【单选题】 设任意两实数x,y满足01,01,则事件“x1/2且y1/2”的概率为
①  1/4
②  2/4
③  3/4
④  4/4
【单选题】 Can I have a look at your passport?
①  It is here
②  Here is it
③  Here you are
④  No, you can’t
【单选题】 Her sun – tanned face suggested that she __________ in excellent health.
①  be
②  is
③  was
④  were
【单选题】 Yesterday was my birthday. My mother .
①  made a cake to me
②  made a cake me
③  made for me a cake
④  made me a cake
【单选题】 That probably explains why public opinion is broadly __________ euthanasia (安乐死), or at least certain forms of it.
①  in relation to
②  in contrast to
③  in excess of
④  in favor of
【单选题】 Young children often can’t __________ between TV programs and commercials.
①  separate
②  distinguish
③  compare
④  contrast
【单选题】 Alice is a __________ person and never makes any unreasonable demands.
①  sensible
②  sensitive
③  severe
④  solemn
【单选题】 People are spending more of their income on goods such as cars and household ________ .
①  facilities
②  appliances
③  instruments
④  equipment
【单选题】 As you know, when college students __________ their future employment, they often think of status and income.
①  apply
②  demand
③  anticipate
④  suppose
【单选题】 David and Sheila are unable to have children, but they’re hoping to __________ a little boy.
①  cultivate
②  raise
③  adopt
④  acquire
【单选题】 I don’t know why she avoids __________ her opinion on the subject.
①  to give
②  to be given
③  giving
④  being given