He____________ cold and hunger a great deal.
escaped from
suffered from
kept away from
came from
【单选题】 Its ( ) that he has been away from home.
①  evident
②  important
③  genuine
④  alternative
【单选题】 This job is great ( ) advancement, but its too far away from my hometown.
①  in terms of
②  as a result of
③  based on
④  on behalf of
【单选题】 My grandfather had suffered from cancer for two years. It was no surprise when I was told that he had _____.
①  passed off
②  passed away
③  passed by
④  passed over
【单选题】 Modern appliances _____us from a good deal of household work. For instance, the dryer frees us from hanging the laundry.
①  escape
②  benefit
③  liberate
④  comfort
【单选题】 20. He has received many presents from admirers, from the_____ to the valueless..
①  precious
②  expensive
③  priceless
④  cheap
【单选题】 Alicereceived an invitation from her boss, ____came as a surprise.?
①  it ?
②  that ?
③  which ?
④  he?
【单选题】 The man told me that by the end of the week he _______ away from his hometown for 20 years.
①  has been
②  will have been
③  is to be
④  would have been
【单选题】 He’s not Greek. He _______ from London.
①  comes
②  is coming
③  came
【单选题】 The donated liver came from the UK, but the hospital is giving no further __________ .
①  instance
②  character
③  items
④  details
【单选题】 The garden ____ while the Greens were away from home.
①  took good care of
②  was taken good care
③  was taken good care of
④  was taking good care
【多选题】 配电室的位置有哪些要求()
①  A靠近电源
②  B靠近负荷中心
③  C进、出线方便
④  D周边道路扬通
⑤  E周围环境灰尘少、潮气少、振动少
【多选题】 对外电线路防护的基本措施是()
①  A保证安全操作距离
②  B搭设安全防护设施
③  C迁移外电线路
④  D停用外电线路
【多选题】 电气防火技术措施要点包括哪些()
①  A合理配置用电系统的短路、过载、漏电保护电器
②  B确保PE线连接点的电气连接可靠
③  C在电气设备和线路周围不堆放并清除易燃易爆物和腐蚀介质,或作阻燃隔离防护
④  D不在电气设备周围使用火源,特别在变压器、发电机等场所严禁烟火
⑤  E在电气设备相对集中场所,如变电所、配电室、发电机室等场所,配备可扑灭电气火灾的灭火器材
【多选题】 脚手架上作业应注意()
①  A作业中的走道,通道板和登高用具,应随时清理干净
②  B脚手架上作业的工具应随手放入工具袋
③  C拆卸下来的物件及余料和废料均应及时清理运走,不得任意乱置或向下丢弃
④  D传递物件禁止抛掷
【多选题】 物料提升机使用前要做哪些准备工作()
①  A检查井架各零部件
②  B联络信号装置
③  C安全防护装置是否完好
④  D发现松动或不可靠应及时检修至完好方可使用
【多选题】 “三宝”是指()
①  A安全帽
②  B安全带
③  C安全出口
④  D安全网
【多选题】 以下各项中属于施工现场管理的内容的是()
①  A落实资源进度计划
②  B设计施工现场平面图
③  C建立文明施工现场
④  D施工资源进度计划的动态调整
⑤  E及时清场转移
【多选题】 截面形式选择依据()
①  A能提供强度所需要的戴面积
②  B制作比较简单
③  C截面开展
④  D便于和相邻的构件连接
【多选题】 建筑物由()部分组成
①  A基础
②  B墙或柱
③  C楼地层
④  D屋顶
⑤  E门窗
【单选题】 高处作业在()时,为三级高处作业
①  A2-5m
②  B5-15m
③  C15-30m
④  D大于30m