He____________ cold and hunger a great deal.
escaped from
suffered from
kept away from
came from
【单选题】 Its ( ) that he has been away from home.
①  evident
②  important
③  genuine
④  alternative
【单选题】 This job is great ( ) advancement, but its too far away from my hometown.
①  in terms of
②  as a result of
③  based on
④  on behalf of
【单选题】 My grandfather had suffered from cancer for two years. It was no surprise when I was told that he had _____.
①  passed off
②  passed away
③  passed by
④  passed over
【单选题】 Modern appliances _____us from a good deal of household work. For instance, the dryer frees us from hanging the laundry.
①  escape
②  benefit
③  liberate
④  comfort
【单选题】 20. He has received many presents from admirers, from the_____ to the valueless..
①  precious
②  expensive
③  priceless
④  cheap
【单选题】 Alicereceived an invitation from her boss, ____came as a surprise.?
①  it ?
②  that ?
③  which ?
④  he?
【单选题】 The man told me that by the end of the week he _______ away from his hometown for 20 years.
①  has been
②  will have been
③  is to be
④  would have been
【单选题】 He’s not Greek. He _______ from London.
①  comes
②  is coming
③  came
【单选题】 The donated liver came from the UK, but the hospital is giving no further __________ .
①  instance
②  character
③  items
④  details
【单选题】 The garden ____ while the Greens were away from home.
①  took good care of
②  was taken good care
③  was taken good care of
④  was taking good care
【判断题】 出色的炒作遵从这样一些基本运作法则:实事求是,理有所依,市有所需,自有所借,克制自己,不伤自身。该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 从其主要功能的实质来看,专业展会其实是一种流动的专业市场。 该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 一份标准的区域经销商选择标准,包括资金实力、行业商誉、分销网络、配送能力和服务水平五类标准。该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 渠道促进呈现四个递进性的层阶:销售促进、网络促进、效能促进和关系促进。 该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 品牌成长阶段不同,意味着品牌问题不同,所需要的渠道也是不同的。 该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 基本的终端管理规范,包括组织架构与职责、管理内容规范和管理行为法则三大方面。 该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 招商的基本流程是为:分析招商价值、制定招商计划、制定管理规范。 该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 在制定公关方案时,不一定要将公关目标量化。该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 所谓媒体公关,是指品牌管理者从建立良好的媒体环境、提升品牌曝光率、融洽媒体关系、防止真实新闻和恶意报道的目的出发,主动展开的媒体关系管理和促进行为。该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 理想的媒体公关,不应该是( )的公关行为过程。
①  利己
②  互利
③  健康
④  开放