Visitor: How do I get to the bank? I have no knowledge of this area.   Policeman: Cross the road and turn left at the other side. __________ for about 100 meters and the bank is to your left.
Continue your walking
Keep going straight
Go along
Go on walking
【单选题】 Visitor: How do I get to the bank? I have no knowledge of this area.   Policeman: Cross the road and turn left at the other side. __________ for about 100 meters and the bank is to your left.
①  Continue your walking
②  Keep going straight
③  Go along
④  Go on walking
【单选题】 —Have you searched the sitting room for your key? —No. It was in the study________ I remember I left it.
①  which
②  where
③  that
④  as
【单选题】 How do I get to the cinema?____________
①  Its very far.
②  Yes, there is a cinema near here.
③  Its well known.
④  Go down this street and turn left.
【单选题】 Your price is ______ the high side.
①  on
②  as
③  for
④  in
【单选题】 What are we going to do? I am ________ your suggestion.
①  in
②  at
③  by
④  on
【单选题】 The top of the Great Wall is _______ for five horses to go side by side.
①  wide
②  wide enough
③  enough wide
④  so wide
【单选题】 A traveller was walking _______ the road.
①  besides
②  away
③  through
④  along
【单选题】 —How do you feel about your family life? — .
①  Good. It’s a good choice to work there.
②  Not bad. I think it is a good choice to be a full-time mother.
③  Not bad. I have visited their family a lot of times.
【单选题】 A group of American soldiers were walking along the road in Irap when a bomb was _____, three of whom were killed.
①  set about
②  set out
③  set up
④  set off
【单选题】 Do you have any ice? I am used to have a nightcap before I go to bed.What is the meaning of the word “nightcap”?
①  沐浴
②  夜读
③  夜宵
④  睡前饮料
【判断题】 专用合同条款的标号可以与相应的通用合同条款的标号不同。
【判断题】 项目实施计划应由项目经理组织编制,并经项目总承包单位认可。( )
【判断题】 设计组应按设备、材料控制程序,统计设备、材料数量,并提出请购文件。( )
【判断题】 建筑工程招标投标应当遵循公开、公平、公正和诚实信用的原则。( )
【单选题】 ()是指依照本法规定,由政府价格主管部门或者其他有关部门,按照定价权限和范围规定基准价及其浮动幅度,指导经营者制定的价格。
①  政府指导价
②  政府定价
③  市场调节价
【单选题】 委托人认定鉴定项目合同无效的,鉴定人应按照()进行鉴定。
①  自身经验判断
②  合同约定
③  委托人的决定
【单选题】 ()指鉴定项目适用的法律、法规、规章、专业标准规范、计价依据。
①  鉴定依据
②  计价依据
③  鉴定意见
④  鉴定要求
【判断题】 道防渗技术是为了减少渠床土壤透水性或建立不易透水的防护层而采取的一种技术措施。
【判断题】 2014年全国肉类产量比1978年增长了9.2倍,人均肉类占有量从不足9公斤增加到近64公斤,达到中等发达国家水平,畜牧业发展为改善居民膳食营养作出了重要贡献
【单选题】 水是最便宜、来源最丰富、使用最方便的常用灭火剂,用于下列哪种场合
①  高压电器设备的失火
②  木料的失火
③  电石、钾、钠之类的物质的失火
④  易燃液体的失火