_____________ , he had to stay at home to look after her.
His mother being ill
His mother ill
Although his mother was ill
As his mother was ill
【单选题】 13. He _____ a doctor when his mother was ill.
①  sent for
②  invited
③  sent in
④  . sent away
【单选题】 —Why didn’t you come to join her party? —I______, but I had to look after my ill mother.
①  would have
②  should
③  would do
④  was going to have
【单选题】 6.Sam was ill yesterday, so he _____ his home work.
①  didn’t
②  not did
③  didn’t do
④  didn’t did
【单选题】 His mother _____alone since his father died.
①  lived
②  lives
③  has lived
④  is living
【单选题】 His mother had talked to him for two hours while he was watching TV, but_____.
①  a little did he hear
②  little did he hear
③  little heard he
④  a little heard he
【多选题】 He_____________ to be reading when his mother came in.
①  drew a conclusion
②  nothing but
③  made himself seem
④  pretended
【单选题】 He speaks English ___ he speaks his mother tongue.
①  so good as
②  as good as
③  so well as
④  as well as
【单选题】 The boy and his mother were ____ in the burning house.
①  involved
②  trapped
③  enclosed
④  surrounded
【多选题】 Tom_____________ a letter from his mother yesterday.
①  got
②  accepted
③  bought
④  received
【单选题】 A: Bill told me he could not come here because his father was ill. B: [填空]
①  Its good.
②  Thats bad.
③  He is impolite.
④  What a pity!
【单选题】 (  ),是指在一项交易中作为整体通过出售或其他方式一并处置的一组资产,以及在该交易中转让的与这些资产直接相关的负债。
①  处置组
②  资产组
③  负债组
④  递延所得税
【单选题】 采用(  )模式进行后续计量的投资性房地产,适用《企业会计准则第 3 号——投资性房地产》。
①  现值
②  重置成本
③  历史成本
④  公允价值
【单选题】 企业将非流动资产或处置组(  )划分为持有待售类别前,应当按照相关会计准则规定计量非流动资产或处置组中各项资产和负债的账面价值。
①  首次
②  第二次
③  第三次
④  第四次
【单选题】 如果部分满足而部分不满足,将满足的部分继续作为持有待售,不满足的部分转回为原来的(  )。
①  非流动资产
②  流动资产
③  可供出售金融资产
④  交易性金融资产
【单选题】 企业应当在资产负债表中区别于其他资产单独列示持有待售的非流动资产或持有待售的处置组中的资产,按照(  )列报。
①  非流动资产项目
②  流动资产项目
③  可供出售金融资产项目
④  持有待售资产项目
【单选题】 企业将非流动资产重分类为持有待售之后,企业的流动资产增加,非流动资产减少,流动比率增加,流动比率=流动资产/流动负债,短期偿债能力增强,对企业取得银行贷款等融资有好处,这是对(  )的影响。
①  变现能力
②  企业所得税
③  融资能力
④  增值税
【单选题】 企业将非流动资产重分类为持有待售之后,由于分类为持有待售后不再计提折旧或摊销,所以增加应纳税所得额,增加所得税负担。这是对(  )的影响。
①  变现能力
②  融资能力
③  企业所得税
④  增值税
【单选题】 (  ),强调终止的是经营业务,而不是终止某项资产。
①  中止经营
②  终止经营
③  暂停经营
④  中断经营
【单选题】 (  ),强调的是出售,而不是终止,而且出售的对象是非流动资产或处置组,而不是业务。
①  持有待售
②  终止经营
③  暂停经营
④  中止经营
【单选题】 不符合终止经营定义的持有待售的非流动资产或处置组,其减值损失和转回金额及处置损益应当作为(  )列报。
①  持续经营损益
②  终止经营损益
③  暂停经营损益
④  投资损益