We_____________ from the facts.
drew a conclusion
reached a conclusion
came to a conclusion
started a conclusion
【单选题】 We came finally _________ the conclusion that she has been telling lies all the time.
①  of
②  into
③  to
④  at
【单选题】 They drew different ______________ from the facts.
①  attentions
②  examinations
③  decisions
④  conclusions
【多选题】 We_____________ protect the rights (权利) of the people.
①  should
②  ought to
③  must to
④  dare
【单选题】 We started out early in order that we ____ there in time.
①  would get
②  ought get
③  should get
④  had to
【单选题】 16.It was by train _____ we reached there.
①  which
②  that
③  what
④  how
【单选题】 The scientific quest is grounded in reason and ____ inference from known facts.
①  logic
②  practical
③  magical
④  logical
【单选题】 We have reached an agreement we should invest in the Internet-related business.
①  what
②  where
③  that
④  as
【单选题】 ______ the storm, we should have reached our company.
①  Because of
②  In spite of
③  In case of
④  But for
【单选题】 Alicereceived an invitation from her boss, ____came as a surprise.?
①  it ?
②  that ?
③  which ?
④  he?
【单选题】 The donated liver came from the UK, but the hospital is giving no further __________ .
①  instance
②  character
③  items
④  details
【判断题】 新闻摄影主要靠抓拍完成
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 咖啡豆从烘焙程度上大致可分为:浅度烘焙、中度烘焙以及深度烘焙三种
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 优质的包装能保护咖啡豆免受环境、氧气和温度的影响。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 蔬菜的播种量因( )的不同变化很大。
①  A蔬菜种类
②  B种植方式
③  C栽培目的
④  D营养面积
【单选题】 我国森林覆盖率只有全球平均水平的()%的三分之二
①  A39
②  B58
③  C139
④  D152
【单选题】 对于商品饲料和饲料添加剂的产品质量可以通过()来鉴定
①  A、饲料标签
②  B、生产日期
③  C、保质期
④  D、饲料卫生标准
【判断题】 农产品生产者在农产品包装、保鲜、贮存、运输中,可以根据需要使用保鲜剂、防腐剂、添加剂等材料
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 法律规范时期林业的几大转变思想是()
①  A转变林业经营思想
②  B推进林业体制改革
③  C调整林业产业结构
④  D完善怎林资源管理制度
【多选题】 森林的树木集团包括()
①  A灌木林地
②  B乔木林
③  C竹林
④  D苗圃地
【单选题】 在经营方向上,公益林主要以()为导向
①  A维护生态安全
②  B市场利润
③  C维护个人利益
④  D维护集体利益