John always ______________ elder people politely.
【单选题】 John always [填空] classmates.
①  help
②  helping
③  helps
④  to help
【单选题】 The deaf people always have the feeling of ( ).
①  lonely
②  happy
③  lonliness
④  happiness
【单选题】 Last week more than 200 people were [填空] treated in a Glasgow hospital.
①  being
②  be
③  been
④  is
【单选题】 35.No matter how frequently _____ the works of Beethoven always attract a large number of people.
①  performing
②  performed
③  tobeperformed
④  beingperformed
【单选题】 7.When we go abroad we are always being ______ around like a group of mentally disabled people.
①  guided
②  .ushered
③  introduced
④  displayed
【单选题】 They know the sport inside out, and we treat them with the respect they ______.
①  deserve
②  inspect
③  encounter
④  undermine
【单选题】 A: This meal is on me. [填空]. B: Thanks, but isnt it my turn to treat you?
①  Its none of your business
②  Ill treat you
③  My pleasure
④  I invite you
【单选题】 Lily: Hello, John! What was the weather like yesterday?John: ____
①  I like nice and bright weather.
②  You don’t like cold weather, do you?
③  That was a favorable weather.
④  Nice and bright, not too cold.
【单选题】 Areas where students have particular difficulty have been treated ____ particular care.
①  by
②  in
③  under
④  with
【判断题】 A: Hi, John. This is my friend, Mary. B: You are good, John.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 可乐定可以用于治疗高血压和阿片类镇痛药成瘾者的戒毒治疗
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 下列抗高血压药中哪些是钙拮抗药?
①  硝苯地平
②  尼群地平
③  氨氯地平
④  氯沙坦
【单选题】 氯沙坦的降压机制是
①  抑制肾素活性
②  抑制血管紧张素转化酶活性
③  抑制血管紧张素I的生成
④  阻断血管紧张素I受体
【单选题】 下列哪种药物首次服用时,可能产生较严重的直立性低血压
①  可乐定
②  普萘洛尔
③  哌唑嗪
④  硝苯地平
【单选题】 高血压危象患者应首选
①  硝苯地平
②  硝普钠
③  可乐定
④  氯沙坦
【单选题】 可防止和逆转高血压患者血管壁增厚、心肌细胞肥大的抗高血压药物是
①  利尿药
②  钙通道阻滞药
③  β受体阻断药
④  血管紧张素Ⅰ转化酶抑制药
【判断题】 硝酸酯类主要降低心脏前后负荷,用于心力衰竭的治疗
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 硝普钠是速效、长效降压药
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 高血压伴有心绞痛宜用硝苯地平
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 哌唑嗪具有首剂现象
①  正确
②  错误