【简答题】 简述赫尔巴特教育性教学原则。
【单选题】 在教育目的问题上,德国教育家赫尔巴特的主张体现了教育目的的
①  社会本位论思想
②  个人本位论思想
③  社会效益论思想
④  教育无目的论思想
【简答题】 在中国古代教育史上,第一次明确提出“有教无类”办学方针的教育家是:_[填空1]_______。
【判断题】 桑代克的试误学习和斯金纳的操作性条件反射之间没有实质上的区别。()
【单选题】 在教育史上,第一个倡导教学论的是德国教育家()
①  赫尔巴特
②  夸美纽斯
③  拉特克
④  福禄贝尔
【单选题】 裴斯泰洛齐在教育史上第一次明确提出了()的口号,开启了19世纪欧洲()运动。
①  “教育个性化”
②  “教育社会化”
③  “教育心理化”
④  “教育专业化”
【单选题】 裴斯泰洛齐第一次提出了“( )”的思想,推动了教学论科学化的进程。
①  教学教育性
②  教学的心理学化
③  科学教育
④  教学理性化
【单选题】 教育心理学化思想经由赫尔巴特得到发展。赫尔巴特明确提出,“教育学作为一门科学,是以()和心理学为基础的。”
①  哲学
②  社会学
③  文化学
④  伦理学
【单选题】 “明人伦”的教育目的是由谁第一次明确地概括出来的?( )
①  荀子
②  孔子
③  孟子
④  庄子
【单选题】 最早在理论上论述了班级授课制的教育家是( )
①  赫尔巴特
②  乔伊斯
③  夸美纽斯
④  裴斯泰洛齐
【单选题】 _____ that we couldn’ t catch up with him.
①  So fast he ran
②  So fast did he run
③  So fast ran he
④  Such fast did he run
【单选题】 Their happiness was very ____.
①  crisp
②  brittle
③  delicate
④  fragile
【单选题】 I am ____ grateful for the many kindnesses you have shown my son.
①  excessively
②  much
③  certainly
④  exceedingly
【单选题】 His answer was so confused that I could hardly make any ____ of it at all.
①  explanation
②  meaning
③  sense
④  interpretation
【单选题】 Every summer they____ the neighbours at an outdoor party.
①  treat
②  invite
③  devote
④  entertaining
【单选题】 Advertising media like direct mail, radio, television and newspapers ____ to increase the sales of industrial products.
①  have been used
②  will be used
③  is being used
④  has been used
【单选题】 Miss Green was ____ $100 for driving after drinking.
①  fined
②  charged
③  punished
④  posed
【单选题】 Following are comments about the behavior that people in Korea usually expect in various social ____.
①  occasions
②  cases
③  situations
④  circumstances
【单选题】 It is only when you nearly lose someone ____ fully conscious of how much you value him.
①  do you become
②  then you become
③  that you become
④  have you become
【单选题】 Although she wrote a lot of short stories and poems when she was very young, ____ she was twenty five.
①  her first real success did not come until
②  her real first success came until not
③  since her first real success did not come until
④  not until her first real success