I____________ early this morning.
sped up
woke up
picked up
gave up
【单选题】 —Be sure to get up earlier tomorrow morning. —______ , I’ll be as early as a bird.
①  No, I will
②  Of course not
③  I’m afraid I can
④  OK, I will
【单选题】 I ____ up early this morning, so I stayed in bed until 8 o’clock a.m. .
①  needn’t have got
②  didn’t need to get
③  shouldn’t have got
④  can’t have got
【单选题】 I always [填空] up at seven in the morning.
①  get
②  gets
③  getting
④  geting
【单选题】 When I got up this morning, I felt the temperature had ____.
①  sunk
②  reduced
③  dropped
④  lowed
【单选题】 —Our son has picked up some bad habits recently, and I am really worried about it.— .
①  Yes, they have some bad habits.
②  Cheer up. I believe he will overcome it.
③  Well, he like drawing.
【单选题】 When the passenger woke up, he found himself ____in a hospital ward.
①  lie
②  lay
③  lying
④  lain
【单选题】 Thats pretty good that you get up and go running, but I ______ like running early in the morning since I’ve got to prepare breakfast for my family.
①  have a good time
②  have a hard time
③  have time
④  have much time
【单选题】 Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up _____ I could answer the phone.
①  as
②  since
③  until
④  before
【判断题】 I hope the key I lost will turn up.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Hurry up please, or I’ll be late.
①  Sorry sir, bur the traffic is thick now
②  Well, it’s alright, sir
③  How can you say that, sir?
④  Oh, we are going the right way
【判断题】 函数关系就是相关关系。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 比较相对指标反映总体内部组成情况的综合指标。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 抽样误差是指由于随机抽样的偶然因素使样本各单位结构不足以代表总体各单位结构,而引起的样本指标与总体指标之间的绝对离差。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 相关系数的大小可以说明两个现象之间的相关关系密切程度。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 相关系数的取值范围为( )。
①  -1≤r≤0
②  -1≤r≤+1
③  r=0
④  0≤r≤+1
【多选题】 下列个人所得中缴纳个人所得税的有()。
①  工资薪金
②  实物
③  有价证券
④  保险赔偿金
【判断题】 在纳税年度内发生亏损的纳税人,也必须按照规定的期限向税务机关报送企业所得税申报表和年度会计报表。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 消费税是在对所有货物普遍征收增值税的基础上选择少量消费品征收的,因此,消费税纳税人同时也是增值税纳税人。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 ( )有权在系统中建立企业账套。
①  企业老总
②  系统管理员
③  账套主管
④  销售总监
【单选题】 关于使用红字冲销法生成的凭证,下列说法正确的是( )。
①  不需审核
②  不能记账
③  仍需审核
④  都不对