【单选题】 患者,女,患有十二指肠溃疡出血,经治疗出血停止,大便隐血试验阴性。患者呕血时应采取的体位是
①  侧卧位
②  平卧位
③  头低脚高位
④  头高脚低位
⑤  半坐位
【单选题】 7. 下列关于氢氧化铝的叙述不正确的是:
①  抗胃酸作用较强,生效较慢
②  口服后生成的AlCl3有收敛作用
③  与三硅酸镁合用作用增强
④  久用可引起便秘
⑤  不影响四环素、铁制剂吸收
【单选题】 可以用于十二指肠溃疡疼痛、出血,胃酸过多的中成药是()。
①  三七片
②  止血定痛片
③  复方丹参片
④  槐角丸
⑤  丹七片
【单选题】 十二指肠溃疡合并出血,下述药物为最佳选择的是
①  雷尼替丁
②  奥美拉唑
③  硫糖铝
④  胶体次枸掾酸铋钾
⑤  维生素K
【判断题】 胃溃疡病人上腹疼痛的典型节律是进食-疼痛-缓解。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 在实验中用硫酸铝和下列试剂中的一种制备氢氧化铝,则该试剂最好是(  )。
①  石灰水
②  氨水
③  硫酸
④  氢氧化钠溶液
【单选题】 十二指肠溃疡疼痛的特点是
①  餐后即痛,持续2h后缓解
②  餐后1h开始,持续2h后缓解
③  餐后2h开始,持续2h后缓解
④  餐后3~4h开始,进餐后缓解
【单选题】 22.燕某,女,48岁。有十二指肠溃疡病史2年。常于夜间出现上腹部疼痛,近1个月疼痛节律性消失,变为餐后腹痛。3小时前午餐后再次出现腹痛,伴呕吐,呕吐物为大量隔宿食物。应考虑该病人发生了
①  大出血
②  慢性穿孔
③  急性穿孔
④  幽门梗阻
⑤  溃疡癌变
【单选题】 十二指肠溃疡合并出血,下述哪一种药物是最佳选择?( )。
①  雷尼替丁
②  硫糖铝
③  奥美拉唑
④  胶体次枸橼酸铋
【单选题】 胃十二指肠溃疡穿孔会导致
①  阵发性剑突下钻顶样疼痛伴呕吐
②  突发上腹剧痛伴腹膜刺激征
③  外伤后剧烈腹痛伴休克
④  上腹部绞痛伴畏寒发热
⑤  腹痛、呕吐、便秘、肠鸣音亢进或消失
【单选题】 Which sentence is correct?
①  On entering the classroom, the students stood up and said, Good morning!
②  On entering the classroom, the teacher was greeted by the students with Good morning!
【单选题】 When their party came back to the camp site, ours arrrived two hours earlier. Identify the mistake in the sentence.
①  When
②  ours
③  arrived
④  earlier
【单选题】 People dont like to buy books in this bookstore with hard covers. Find any misplaced modifier in the sentence.
①  this
②  with hardcover
【单选题】 People in Anhui are proud of [] they have achieved in the last ten years.
①  that
②  which
③  what
④  how
【单选题】 Which sentence is correct?
①  To look at a map, the importance of this new railway will be seen.
②  You have only to look at a map to see the importance of this new railway.
【单选题】 The actor opened the Bible and begins reading the Song of Solomon. Identify the mistake in the sentence.
①  actor
②  and
③  begins
④  reading
【单选题】 The old man returning home after eight years absence to find that all the neighbors he had known were no longer there. Is this a complete sentence?
①  Yes
②  No
【单选题】 Which sentence is correct?
①  Returning home from work, he saw supper waiting for him in the kitchen.
②  Returning home after work, supper was waiting for him in the kitchen.
【单选题】 A number of foreign scholars [] invited to contribute articles to the magazine.
①  is
②  are
【单选题】 How to operate this computer? Is this a complete sentence?
①  Yes
②  No