下列哪项不是护理信息的特点( )
【判断题】 信息来源决定了信息的准确性和可靠性。()
【判断题】 信息安全要确保信息和信息处理方面的准确性和完整性
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 就业信息的有效性评估包含:真实性评估、准确性评估、时效性评估、针对性评估和( )
①  全面性评估
②  专业性评估
③  可变更性评估
④  工作性质评估
【单选题】 建立任务相关性时,MicrosoftProject默认的相关性类型是()
①  FS
②  SF
③  SS
④  FF
【单选题】 中国生物医学数据库的特点是()
①  兼容性、全文获取
②  检索入口多、词表辅助检索功能
③  检索功能完备
④  以上全部都是
【判断题】 (判断)会计信息的相关性和可靠性是相对立的
【判断题】 相关性的要求使得会计信息可靠性受到一定影响。 ( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 下列哪项不是溃疡性结肠炎的特点
①  粘液脓血便
②  病变呈连续性
③  肠腔狭窄少见
④  纵行溃疡、黏膜呈卵石样
⑤  固有膜全层弥漫性炎症
【判断题】 安全信息的质量的包括安全信息的时效性、安全信息的准确性,安全信息的完整性,安全信息的适用性。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 下列哪项不是室性期前收缩的心电图特点
①  提前出现QRS波群
②  QRS波群时间为0.14s
③  代偿间歇完全
④  T波与主波方向相反
⑤  QRS波群前有相关的P波
【单选题】 The heart-breaking scene of the catastrophe and the heavy loss of lives and property aroused great ( ) in audiences and quick actions of donation and help.
①  antipathy
②  apathy
③  empathy
④  sympathy
【单选题】 Fruit was a () in wartime Britain.
①  luxury
②  lump
③  lucky
④  lunar
【单选题】 A man with considerable ( ) can often find the nature of things, however complicated the facial phenomenon appears.
①  capacity
②  insight
③  vision
④  discipline
【单选题】 We must remain() of Internet information.
①  worth
②  skeptical
③  skepticism
④  skeptically
【单选题】 If you follow these steps below, youll know what is worth seeing and doing, so that you can ( ) your time at the museum.
①  make a plan for
②  make ends meet
③  make sure of
④  make the most of
【单选题】 The result is entirely() .
①  unpredictable
②  predictably
③  predict
④  prediction
【单选题】 He is a doctor of().
①  phase
②  phone
③  philosophy
④  teacher
【单选题】 He raised his voice to an even higher() .
①  pitch
②  loud
③  speed
④  inflict
【单选题】 Young kids are always filled with enormous ( ) about almost everything, which sometimes leads them to danger.
①  Ambition
②  curiosity
③  craze
④  violence
【单选题】 The old couple, whose kids have all passed away, have to ( ) only with their small pensions.
①  get at
②  get to
③  get by
④  get through