【判断题】 资产负债表的“预收账款”栏目金额包括应收账款和预收账款各明细账借方余额之和
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 预收账款科目明细账中若有借方余额应将其计入资产负债表中的项目是?
①  预收账款
②  应收账款
③  预付账款
④  应付账款
【判断题】 资产负债表中的“应收账款”项目,应根据“应收账款”和“预付账款”科目所属明细科目的借方余额合计数填列。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 “应收账款”账户所属明细账户期末如果出现贷方余额,应填入资产负债表的项目是( )
①  应收账款
②  预收账款
③  应付账款
④  预付账款
【单选题】 “应收账款”账户所属明细账户期末如果出现贷方余额,应填入资产负债表的项目是( )。
①  应收账款
②  预收账款
③  应付账款
④  预付账款
【单选题】 “应收账款”账户所属明细账户期末如果出现贷方余额,应填入资产负债表的项目是( )。
①  应收账款
②  预收账款
③  应付账款
④  预付账款
【单选题】 某企业“应收账款”明细账余额为:甲工厂借方余额4000元,乙工厂贷方余额200元,丙工厂借方余额1000元;“预收账款”明细账余额为:丁工厂借方余额2000元,戊工厂贷方余额4800元。根据以上数据分析计算,反映在资产负债表上的应收账款项目的数额应为(  )元。
①  4800
②  6800
③  7600
④  7000
【单选题】 某企业“应收账款”明细账余额为:甲工厂借方余额4000元,乙工厂贷方余额200元,丙工厂借方余额1000元;“预收账款”明细账余额为:丁工厂借方余额2000元,戊工厂贷方余额4800元。根据以上数据分析计算,反映在资产负债表上的“预收账款”项目数额为( )元。
①  2800
②  4800
③  5000
④  3000
【单选题】 某企业“应收账款”明细账借方余额合计为280 000元,贷方余额合计为73 000元,坏账准备贷方余额为680元,则资产负债表的“应收账款净额”项目为( )元。
①  207 000
②  279 320
③  606 320
④  280 000
【单选题】 “预收账款”科目所属明细科目如果有借方余额,在编制资产负债表时应在(  )项目中反映。
①  应收账款
②  预收账款
③  预付账款
④  应付账款
【单选题】 27. If it ____ tomorrow, we will not go out.
①  rains
②  will rain
③  is going to rain
④  is to rain
【单选题】 I dont know the park, but its____ to be quite beautiful.
①  said
②  told
③  spoken
④  talked
【单选题】 He called the police for help, ____ that the problem was more than he could deal with.
①  to realize
②  having been realized
③  realizing
④  realized
【单选题】 By nine o’clock I ____ that my guests were not coming.?
①  recognized ?
②  realized ?
③  understood ?
④  noticed?
【单选题】 The flower is dead. I ____ it more water. ?
①  must give ?
②  should have given ?
③  ?would have given ?
④  will give ?
【单选题】 ____ what the situation would be like, they decided to keep silent.
①  Knowing not
②  Not know
③  Not knowing
④  Having not known
【单选题】 All of us think it difficult to ____ the difference between the two things.
①  talk
②  speak
③  lecture
④  tell
【单选题】 Alicereceived an invitation from her boss, ____came as a surprise.?
①  it ?
②  that ?
③  which ?
④  he?
【单选题】 —What day is today?—Today is____.
①  March 25th
②  Saturday
③  fine
④  cold
【单选题】 This painting is ____ of his work.
①  critical
②  logical
③  typical
④  feature