自然性短期筹资主要包括( )。
【单选题】 一般而言,与融资租赁筹资相比,发行债券筹资的优点是
①  财务风险小
②  限制条件多
③  资本成本较低
④  融资速度较快
【单选题】 企业发行股票筹资的优点是
①  风险大
②  风险小
③  成本低
④  可以产生节税效果
【单选题】 与发行股票筹资相比,吸收直接投资的优点是( )。
①  筹资费用较低
②  资本成本较低
③  易于进行产权交易
④  有利于提高公司声誉
【判断题】 公司溢价发行股票所支付的发行费用,在减去发行股票冻结期间所产生的利息收入和溢价发行收入之后还有剩余的,应于股票发行完成时,一次计入当期损益。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 公司发行股票支付的手续费等发行费用,应当计入当期财务费用。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 股份公司在发行股票时,以票面金额为发行价格,这种发行是( )。
①  市价发行
②  平价发行
③  中间价发行
④  溢价发行
【判断题】 筹资活动包括发行股票或接受投入资本、分派现金股利、取得和偿还银行借款、偿还公司债券等。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 股票一级市场又称发行市场,是指发行股票公司向市场投资者发行股票筹集资本的市场
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 有限责任公司在满足法定条件时,可以发行股票和债券。()
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 发行股票时,按股票面值计入股本,溢价收入扣除发行手续费,佣金等发行费用后的金额计入资本公积。( )
②  ×
【判断题】 As a realist, Mark Twain concerned particularly about the local character of a region, which came about as “Local Colorism”.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 The first American writer of local color to achieve wide popularity was Bret Harte.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 The end of ______ marked the beginning of The Gilded Age, an age of excess and extremes, of decline and progress, of poverty and dazzling wealth, of gloom and hope.
①  the American War of Independence
②  World War I
③  World War II
④  The Civil War
【单选题】 In Henry James’ The Portrait of A Lady, the author tries to portray the young woman as an embodiment of ______.
①  the force of convention
②  the free spirit of the New World
③  the decline of aristocracy
④  the corruption of the newly rich
【单选题】 In his masterpiece The Portrait of A Lady, Henry James _________.
①  incarnates the clash between the Old World and the New in the life journey of an American girl in a European cultural environment
②  tells a story about a young and innocent American confronting the complexity of the European life as well as the American society
③  describes a young American girl who gets “killed” by the winter in Rome
④  tells about some Europeans who learn with difficulty to adapt themselves to the American life
【单选题】 At the middle of 19th century, America witnessed a cultural flowering which is called “_____”.
①  the English Renaissance
②  the Second Renaissance
③  the American Renaissance
④  the Salem Renaissance
【单选题】 In Dreiser’s Sister Carrie, which of the following statements is NOT true about the characters in the story?
①  At the end of the story, Hurstwood’sfamily are enjoying a happy life without him.
②  Being unable to make a decent living, Hurstwood at last commits suicide.
③  In spite of her success as a famous actress Carrie does not feel happy.
④  Carrie becomes rich and helps Hurstwood out of his difficulty.
【单选题】 Which of the following is not written by Henry James?
①  Daisy Miller
②  The Wings of the Dove
③  The American
④  Self-Reliance
【单选题】 Stylistically, Henry James’ fiction is characterized by ________.
①  highly refined language
②  ordinary American speech
③  short, clear sentences
④  abundance of local images
【单选题】 The first American writer of local color to achieve wide popularity was?____.
①  Bret Harte
②  Mark Twain
③  Henry James
④  William Dean Howells