【多选题】 新闻时评的基本特征()
①  应时而评,新闻性强
②  缘事而发,寓理于事
③  内容贴近,题材广泛
④  大众视角,公民写作
【判断题】 专论、代论、新闻时评和思想评论是作者个人署名发表的评论形式。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 在网络时评的几种基本形态中,影响最大的是( )
①  BBS
②  E-mail
③  Usenet
④  Blog
【多选题】 实施学前儿童社会教育活动的评价时评价哪些内容?()
①  评价活动目标
②  评价活动的内容
③  评价活动的准备
④  评价活动的过程和活动的效果
【单选题】 网络时评的写作要注意两个方面,即加强时效性和( )。
①  标题要生动
②  保证真实性
③  语言要简洁
④  结构要多层
【多选题】 新闻评论工作者的政治素养,表现在()
①  正确的政治立场
②  坚定的信念
③  同党中央保持政治上思想上高度一致
④  其他
【单选题】 索赔人员经常对几个问题进行调研。
①  4个
②  5个
③  6个
④  7个
【单选题】 制定测验编制的计划需要考虑如下几个问题:确定测验的目的,制定编题计划,( )。
①  确定测验的目标
②  设计测验蓝图
③  回收问卷
④  分析数据
【单选题】 改革开放以来,浙江省农民不断通过()解决自身问题。
①  A自主创业
②  B政府扶持
③  C外出打工
④  D发展农业
【单选题】 采用搭讪与聊天接近法接近顾客时,应注意以下哪几个问题( )
①  选准时机
②  积极主动
③  以上选项全部正确
④  找准顾客
【单选题】 You never told us why you were one hour late for the last meeting, ____?
①  weren’t you
②  didn’t you
③  have you
④  did you
【单选题】 Rapid reading means reading something fast just to ____ the general idea.
①  master
②  seize
③  grasp
④  imagine
【单选题】 Theexperimentwas____easierthanwehadexpected.
①  much
②  much more
③  more
④  more much
【单选题】 _______ he tried his best, he still failed the examination.
①  Although
②  Even although
③  However
④  Because
【单选题】 ____ from space, our earth, with water covering 70% of its surface, appears as a “blue planet”.
①  Seeing
②  To be seen
③  Seen
④  Having seen
【单选题】 Now we may be able to say ____ between music and noise.
①  that what the difference
②  what the difference is
③  the difference is what
④  what is the difference
【单选题】 Frankly speaking, I’d rather you ____ anything about it for the time being.
①  didn’t do
②  don’t do
③  will not do
④  do
【单选题】 When we breathe, the oxygen in the air ____ with our blood and gives us life.
①  fills
②  goes
③  takes in
④  mixes
【单选题】 The disabled children need many things, but____, they need love.
①  first of all
②  above all
③  after all
④  all in all
【单选题】 Only by shouting at the top of his voice ____.
①  he was able to make himself hear
②  he was able to make himself heard
③  was he able to make himself heard
④  was he able to make himself hear