【判断题】 产品相关性是指产品线在渠道、生产技术、市场等方面的关联程度。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 适用性是指产品的用途、性能、规格、等级等方面的特性。 
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 产品项目是指产品线中各种可能的产品种类。(  )
【单选题】 在产品组合策略中,产品线延伸策略是()
①  部分或全部的改变企业原有产品线的市场定位
②  加深产品的深度
③  拓宽产品的宽度
④  缩小经营范围
【单选题】 所谓产品线双向延伸,就是原定位于中档产品市场的企业掌握了市场优势后,向产品线的(  )两个方向延伸。
①  前后
②  左右
③  东西
④  上下
【判断题】 追随策略是指企业在产品、技术、价格、渠道和促销等方面模仿或跟随市场领导者或有较强实力企业的竞争策略。()
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 追随策略是指企业在产品、技术、价格、渠道和促销等方面模仿或跟随市场领导者或有较强实力企业的竞争策略。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 ( )是指产品在功能、质量、构造、外观、包装等方面与其他企业生产的同类产品的差异。
①  通过服务创新实现产品差异化
②  通过产品实体的创新体现产品的差别化
③  通过信息传递实现产品差别化
【单选题】 具有高度相关性的一组银行产品指的是(  )。
①  产品组合
②  产品线
③  产品类型
④  产品项目
【单选题】 产品组合的( )是指一条产品线中所含有产品项目的数量。
①  深度
②  长度
③  宽度
④  黏性
【单选题】 Since evidence of the fraud came to light, Congress has been demanding a ______ investigation.
①  horrible
②  thorough
③  thoughtful
④  weird
【单选题】 If it were not for the fact that he was a millionaire, she ____ him.
①  might never marry
②  will never marry
③  would never have married
④  would never marry
【单选题】 On his next birthday he () married for ten years.
①  has been
②  will be
③  will have been
④  would have been
【单选题】 Hi, welcome back! Had a nice trip?____________
①  Oh, fantastic! Fresh air, and sunshine every day.
②  Come on, I’ve got lots of fun.
③  By the way, I don’t like Saturdays.
④  Well, I’ll look forward to your phone call.
【单选题】 In Britain people drive _____the left.
①  at
②  on
③  to
④  in
【单选题】 What()next will be discussed at the next meeting.
①  to do
②  is doing
③  will do
④  shall we do
【单选题】 _______ his sister, Jack is quiet and does not easily make friends with others.
①  Dislike
②  Liking
③  Alike
④  Unlike
【单选题】 How do you do? Glad to meet you._________
①  Fine. How are you?
②  How do you do? Glad to meet you, too.
③  How are you? Thank you!
④  Nice. How are you?
【单选题】 Don’t take any action until you are fully _____ with the situation there.
①  consented
②  content
③  obvious
④  acquainted
【单选题】 When a fire____ at the National Exhibition in London, at least ten priceless paintings were completely destroyed.
①  broke off
②  broke out
③  broke down
④  broke up