输入序列为ABC,可以变为CBA时,经过的栈操作为( )。
【简答题】 执行指令 PUSH AX有 SP =[填空1], 执行指令 POP AX有SP =[填空2]。
【判断题】 POP CS
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 指令PUSH WORD PTR 20[BX+SI-2]是否正确?
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 指令POP CS是否正确?
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 POP意思是“购买要求”。该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 POP3服务器用来( )邮件。
①  发送
②  接收
③  接收和发送
④  以上均错误
【单选题】 He________listen to pop music,but now he________dancing.
①  is used to;used to
②  used to;is used to
③  used to;is used for
④  is used for;used to
【单选题】 18. He ______ listen to pop music, but now he ______dancing.
①  is used to; used to
②  used to; is used to
③  used to; is used for
④  is used for; used to
【单选题】 常用的电子邮件协议POP3是指____。
①  就是TCP/IP协议
②  中国邮政的服务产品
③  通过访问ISP发送邮件
④  通过访问ISP接受邮件
【单选题】 POP中文译文购买广告或店面广告,最早源于( )
①  法国超级市场
②  中国超级市场
③  美国超级市场
④  西班牙超级市场
【单选题】 Pop music is such an important part of society [] it has even influenced our language.
①  as
②  that
③  which
④  where
【单选题】 You [填空] smoke here.
①  mustnt
②  cant
③  canot
④  dont
【单选题】 Di Wang Building is the[填空]of Shenzhen.
①  landmark
②  land
③  scape
④  landmarks
【单选题】 [填空] a surprise!
①  What
②  how
③  when
④  that
【单选题】 [填空]is better than cure.
①  Prevent
②  Prevented
③  Prevention
④  Preventions
【单选题】 Let us have a break, [填空]?
①  will you
②  shall we
③  shant we
④  wont we
【单选题】 [填空] wonderful!
①  How
②  so
③  although
④  what
【单选题】 Chinese economic and trade exhibitions have[填空] the exchange of the advanced techniques with foreign countries.
①  promoted
②  provided
③  moved
④  risen
【单选题】 Trade with other countries [填空] important.
①  are
②  have
③  is
④  has
【单选题】 If I [填空] you, Id ask her.
①  was
②  were
③  am
④  are
【单选题】 You have[填空]progress with your English.
①  taken
②  make
③  took
④  made