【判断题】 简报文章带有新闻性质,跟一般的新闻稿一样,包括标题、导语、主体、结尾和穿插在叙述中的背景材料,有的还要加编者按语。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 每一份公文都必须正确标明文种。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 编者按的主要表现形式()
①  文前按语
②  文中按语
③  编后
④  其他
【判断题】 一份好的简报,常常是内容丰富多样,多事一报。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 一份好的简报,应该反映的情况新,所用的材料准,一事一报。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 项目章程是一份重要的正式文件,后续一切项目计划都要围绕项目章程来编制。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 ( )一般开具一式两份,两份具有同等效力,其中一份付讫,另一份则自动失效。
①  发票
②  包装单据
③  汇票
④  收据
【单选题】 工程竣工验收备案表,该表一式两份,一份由( )保存,另一份要留备案机关存档。
①  设计单位
②  施工单位
③  设备供应单位
④  建设单位
【单选题】 ()是党的第一份历史决议。
①  《关于若干历史问题的决议》
②  《中国共产党党章》
③  《中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议》
④  《关于建国以来党的若干历史问题的决议》
【简答题】 [填空1]是一份重要的具有法律效力的正式文件,后续一切项目计划都要围绕它来编制。
【单选题】 I wish to have a word with you, _____?
①  do I
②  don’ t I
③  may I
④  did I
【单选题】 It was_____ back home after the experiment.
①  not until midnight did he go
②  until midnight that he didn’ t go
③  not until midnight that he went
④  until midnight when he didn’ t go
【单选题】 The truck driver was fined for exceeding the speed ____.
①  range
②  limit
③  rule
④  regulation
【单选题】 America will never again have as a nation the spirit of adventure as it ____ before the West was settled.
①  could
②  did
③  would
④  was
【单选题】 I charge the man____ receiving stolen goods.
①  in
②  with
③  at
④  on
【单选题】 The ____ problem of bring a spaceship back from the moon has been solved.
①  technical
②  technological
③  technique
④  technology
【单选题】 The boy has admitted to ____ the window while playing football yesterday.
①  breaking
②  having been broken
③  break
④  be breaking
【单选题】 We expect Mr. White will ____ Class One when MissJane retires.
①  take over
②  take up
③  take off
④  take to
【单选题】 My pain ____ apparent the moment I walked into the room, for the first man I met asked sympathetically: “Are you feeling all right?”
①  must be
②  must have been
③  had been
④  had to be
【单选题】 ____ there is little we can do to modify the weather, we can at least know what kind of weather to expect.
①  Since
②  When
③  While
④  Unless