统一了罗马,建立了罗马帝国的著名政治家是( )。
【单选题】 “条条大路通罗马”指古罗马帝国:
①  罗马周边公路多
②  公路直
③  由于有驿站
④  罗马周围形成了公路网
【判断题】 安东尼模型是拓展了的金字塔模型。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 古罗马帝国时期,主要培养
①  农夫和军人
②  官吏和顺民
③  演说家与政治家?
④  哲学家和武士
【单选题】 ()把基督教确立为罗马帝国的国教。
①  A.凯撒
②  B.奥古斯丁
③  C.君士坦丁
④  D.狄奥多西
【多选题】 下列哪几个统治者不属于东罗马帝国( )。
①  屋大维
②  腓特烈一世
③  君士坦丁
④  查士丁尼
【判断题】 昆体良是古罗马帝国的雄辩家、教育家。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 117、公元前59年,罗马帝国(),主要记载重要的社会和政治事件,类似于手抄的布告。
①  新闻信
②  《每日纪闻》
③  《罗马公报》
【判断题】 罗马帝国灭亡之后,欧洲进入中世纪,也称为中古时代。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 随着东西罗马分裂,西罗马成为拜占庭帝国。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 古罗马时代使用的“凯撒密码”算法属于
①  通用密钥密码体制
②  非通用密钥密码体制
③  公开密钥体制
④  非公开密钥体制
【单选题】 3. Few of them hurt themselves in the accident last night, ____ ?
①  but
②  and
③  though
④  so
【单选题】 9.The old farmer, ____the badly injured and burnt soldier, came out of the burning farmhouse, calling continuously for help.
①  supporting
②  having supported
③  being supported by
④  being supported
【单选题】 5.____the front door____, he had to enter the room through the back door.
①  Seen, painted
②  Seeing, painted
③  Being seen, being painted
④  Seeing, being painted
【单选题】 16. As I will be away for at least a year, I’d appreciate____ from you now and then so that I can know how everyone is getting along.
①  having heard
②  to hear
③  hearing
④  beingheard
【单选题】 7.He looked around and caught a man____his hand into the pocket of a passenger.
①  put
②  to be put
③  to put
④  putting
【单选题】 14.The thief fell to the ground,his left foot ____and blood ____down from his mouth.
①  breaking; running
②  broken; running
③  breaking; run
④  broken; run
【单选题】 18.- Did you get a dictionary?- No, I _____, but there were not any _____.
①  tried; to be left
②  had tried to; leaving
③  tried to; left
④  had tried; have left
【单选题】 4.____the diamond, he had to look for a place to hide it.
①  Having stolen
②  Having been stolen
③  Stolen
④  Stealing
【单选题】 12.You can’t imagine what great trouble they have ____the problem____.
①  to solve; being talked about
②  solving; discussing
③  to solve; to talk about
④  solving; being discussed
【单选题】 6.And there, almost____in the big chair, sat her little brother, who never had to be told to keep quiet.
①  having lost
②  losing
③  to be lost
④  lost