We deeply appreciate...
Pay tribute to ...
We are particularly grateful to...
【多选题】 以下哪些是表达欢迎的词汇或句型?
①  It is my pleasant duty to extend to you a cordial welcome ...
②  We deeply appreciate...
③  Pay tribute to ...
④  I bid a warm welcome to you...
【单选题】 I particularly want to pay tribute, not only to those who prepared the magnificent dinner, but also to those who have provided the splendid music.
①  A.我不仅要特别奖赏那些准备了这次盛大晚宴的人,而且还要奖赏那些为我们提供美好音乐的人。
②  B.我不仅要特别赞扬那些准备了这次盛大晚宴的人,而且还要赞扬那些为我们提供美好音乐的人。
③  C.我不仅要特别赞扬那些准备了这次盛大晚宴的人,而且还要赞扬那些为我们演奏好音乐的人。
④  D.我特别赞扬的不是那些准备了这次盛晚宴的人,而是那些为我们演奏美好音乐的人。
【单选题】 We really appreciate our working environment, in -- --- there was open, friendly workplace communication.
①  how
②  what
③  whom
④  which
【单选题】 We are interested in the weather because it __________ us so directly --- what we wear, what we do, and even how we feel.
①  benefits
②  affects
③  guides
④  effects
【单选题】 When we speak to people, we should be ______.
①  as polite as possible
②  as polite as possibly
③  as politely as possible
④  as politely as possibly
【单选题】 Now that we’ve ____, can we come to a decision?
①  thought over
②  thought of
③  thought through
④  thought about
【单选题】 When we drove to the country, we saw many _____.
①  herds of cattles
②  herds of catt
③  herd of cattle
④  herd of cattles
【单选题】 We started out early in order that we ____ there in time.
①  would get
②  ought get
③  should get
④  had to
【单选题】 _________ we’ve no money, we can’t buy it.
①  Since
②  Because of
③  Therefore
④  Why
【单选题】 2. When we speak to people, we should be ___.
①  as polite as possible
②  as polite as possibly
③  as politely as possible
④  as politely as possibly
【单选题】 对于油脂经过高温加热,尤其是反复加热可能发生的变化,下列描述不正确的是()
①  热能供给量降低
②  必需脂肪酸和维生素破坏
③  消化率提高
④  形成有毒聚合物
【单选题】 营养素破坏最多的面食()
①  原汤面
②  烙饼
③  炸油条
④  蒸馒头
【单选题】 食品干燥储藏法主要排除了微生物赖以生存的()
①  蛋白质
②  温度
③  气体
【单选题】 常用的消毒方法不包括()
①  喷雾消毒
②  煮沸消毒
③  蒸汽消毒
④  消毒剂消毒
【单选题】 食物在烹饪加工时,最易损失的维生素是()
①  维生素D
②  维生素B1
③  维生素C
④  维生素B2
【判断题】 评价食物质量至少应从卫生、营养、感官三个方面来衡量。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 饮食业经营者必须先取得健康证方可向工商行政部门申请登记。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 自然界中,母乳对于婴儿是一种营养较全面的食品。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 人体的胆固醇有两种来源,一是来自膳食,二是在肝脏中合成。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 人体对钙的吸收能力与年龄无关。
①  正确
②  错误