This was the final word and I [] accepted it.
【单选题】 He didn’t pass the final examination. He ______ it.
①  must have prepared for
②  ought to prepare
③  ought to have prepared for
④  ought to prepare to
【单选题】 15. While I like the dress very much, I cant afford it. The word “while” means ______.
①  when
②  although
③  as long as
④  whereas
【单选题】 I am unhappy because she accepted my invitation _______ .
①  passively
②  extremely
③  undoubtedly
④  unwillingly
【单选题】 The fox fell into the _____the hunter had set for it.
①  bush
②  trap
③  trick
④  circle
【判断题】 I will help you do it. = I will help you to do it.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 ________the diamond,he had to look for a place to hide it.
①  Having stolen
②  Having been stolen
③  Stolen
④  Stealing
【单选题】 ____ the diamond, he had to look for a place to hide it.
①  Having stolen
②  Having been stolen
③  Stolen
④  Stealing
【单选题】 If I had had enough time, I __________ it well.
①  would do
②  would have done
【单选题】 Unbelievable! I have failed my final exam for mathematics!____________
①  Good luck.
②  Cheer up.
③  Go ahead.
④  No problem.
【单选题】 A: I missed yesterdays basketball final. B: [填空]
①  What a pity!
②  Its a good idea.
③  Remember to bring it next time.
④  Im glad to hear that.
【单选题】 通过一定的控制手段观察测量自变量和因变量之间的变化规律是( )。
①  实证研究法
②  理论研究法
③  观察法
④  调查法
【单选题】 科学研究通常采用( )两种类型。
①  横向研究和纵向研究
②  长期研究和短期研究
③  结构研究和非结构研究
④  直接研究和间接研究
【单选题】 “龙生龙凤生凤”属于( )现象。
①  遗传
②  繁衍
③  孕育
④  发育
【单选题】 遗传物质指( )。
①  DNA
②  RNA
③  DHA
④  RHA
【单选题】 大脑可分为( )四个部分。
①  额叶、顶叶、枕叶、颞叶
②  额叶、顶叶、侧裂、颞叶
③  额叶、髓鞘、枕叶、颞叶
④  额叶、顶叶、枕叶、延髓
【单选题】 在脑区功能划分中,枕叶和( )密切联系。
①  嗅觉
②  听觉
③  视觉
④  触觉
【单选题】 对大脑皮层结构复杂化和脑结构机能的完善化的描述,不正确的是( )。
①  出生前后已有相当大的发展
②  7岁时已相当成熟
③  12岁成熟已基本结束
④  大脑在出生后就不再发展
【单选题】 出生后脑的发展不表现在( )方面。
①  脑皮层结构复杂化
②  脑机能的完善化
③  脑结构增多
④  脑重的增加
【单选题】 条件反射是由( )提出的。
①  维果斯基
②  巴甫洛夫
③  巴宾斯基
④  弗洛伊德
【单选题】 婴儿被抱成哺乳姿势就会张嘴、吮吸等一系列反应,属于( )。
①  条件反射
②  速度反射
③  非条件反射
④  进食反射