He gave us a []account of all that you had achieved over there.
【单选题】 5. He gave no________that he was ready tocompromise.
①  eyes
②  show
③  indication
④  see
【单选题】 Can you come over for dinner with us?
①  I’d like to but I have a meeting tonight
②  It doesn’t matter
③  No, I don’t like
④  Oh, that sounds well
【单选题】 All the while he was terrified by the fear _______ he had cancer of the stomach.
①  which
②  that
③  what
④  such
【单选题】 ( ) he finished writing the composition in such a short time surprised us all.
①  What
②  How
③  That
④  If
【单选题】 [] has been made clear to all of us, none of you are to come late to class from today on.
①  It
②  As
③  What
④  Which
【单选题】 17. It was the headmaster _____ gave us the leave to go to the concert.
①  who
②  whom
③  that
④  which
【单选题】 After the Minister of Education had finished speaking at the press conference, he was made ______ all sorts of awkward questions.
①  answer
②  answering
③  answered
④  to answer
【单选题】 18 It was in 1960 _____he first achieved his fame as a writer.
①  when
②  that
③  where
④  which
【单选题】 Are you ready to order desert, please?
①  Yes, please
②  Please don’t order it
③  No, don’t mention it
④  Yes, I’d like to have some chocolate cake
【判断题】 A: Are you ready? B: No, not yet.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 最容易遭受雷击的部位是
①  屋脊
②  侧墙
③  屋面中间
④  屋面四周
【单选题】 旅馆宾馆客房采用哪种空调方式
①  风机盘管加新风
②  全新风
③  全空气
④  风机盘管
【单选题】 城市管道煤气最好的气源是
①  人工煤气
②  液化石油气
③  天然气
④  蒸馏气
【单选题】 对排水管道的描述不正确的是
①  排水管道布置力求最短
②  排水管道不得穿越橱窗
③  排水管道尽量少转弯
④  排水管道可以穿越伸缩缝
【单选题】 以下水箱接管上不设阀门的是
①  进水管
②  出水管
③  溢流管
④  泄水管
【单选题】 电气管线敷设方式中WC表示
①  沿地暗设
②  沿墙暗设
③  沿地明设
④  沿墙明设
【单选题】 一般规定,管内导线的总截面积不应超过管子内径的
①  20%
②  30%
③  40%
④  50%
【单选题】 单位是勒克斯的参数是
①  光通量
②  照度
③  亮度
④  发光强度
【单选题】 TN-C表示
①  三相三线制
②  三相四线制
③  三相五线制
④  三相六线制
【单选题】 手术室净化空调室内应保持
①  正压
②  负压
③  常压
④  无压