The child had difficulty [] his way to school.
【单选题】 The reason why he didn’t take the exam was _____ he had an accident on his way to the school.
①  because
②  because of
③  that
④  due to
【单选题】 With the old man ____ the way, we had no trouble in finding that mysterious cave.
①  leading
②  led
③  lead
④  to be led
【单选题】 With the old man____ the way, we had no trouble in finding that mysterious cave.
①  lead
②  to be led
③  leading
④  led
【单选题】 If the doctor had been available, the child ____________.
①  would not die
②  could not have died
③  might not die
④  should not have died
【单选题】 The poor child was ( ) by his parents soon after his birth.
①  accomplished
②  assured
③  astute
④  abandoned
【单选题】 If a person talks about his weak points, his listener is expected to say something in the way of ____.
①  persuasion
②  remedy
③  encourage
④  compromise
【单选题】 Bit by bit, a child makes the necessary changes to make his language ____.
①  as other people
②  as other people’s
③  like other people
④  like other people’s
【单选题】 25.It was the training _______ he had at school _______ made him good jumper.
①  what;what
②  that;that
③  what;that
④  that;had
【单选题】 The husbands ( ) response to the problems in no way helped his marriage.
①  mature
②  young
③  naive
④  juvenile
【单选题】 5.The whole generation was brought up to be ______ of material things, so they had great difficulty settling down to a market economy.
①  scornful
②  . proud
③  sorrowful
④  fear
【判断题】 公共关系的全部活动和职能,最终都是为了塑造企业的良好形象。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 基于服务的特点,服务广告要努力实现将无形产品有形化,消除顾客的不确定心理。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 某企业一业务单位呈低市场增长率、高相对市场占有率,对它最适宜的投资策略是发展策略。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 市场调查与市场预侧的关系是( )。
①  市场预测是市场调查的基础
②  市场调查是市场预测的基础
③  二者无关系
④  二者等同
【单选题】 人员推销的缺点主要表现为( )。
①  成本低、顾客量大
②  成本高,顾客量大
③  成本低、顾客有限
④  成本高、顾客有限
【单选题】 生产消费品中的便利晶的企业通常采取( )的策略。
①  直销
②  独家分销
③  密集分销
④  选择分销
【单选题】 服务是一种无形产品,它向顾客提供的是产品的( )。
①  所有权
②  保护权
③  使用权
④  管理权
【单选题】 对于拥有良好声誉且生产质量水平相近产品的企业,宜采用的包装策略应是( ) 策略。
①  等级包装
②  类似包装
③  分类包装
④  配套包装
【单选题】 根据恩格尔定律,恩格尔系数越低,说明这个国家人民的生活水平( )。
①  越高
②  越低
③  不一定
④  不变
【单选题】 品牌资产是一种特殊的( )。
①  有形资产
②  潜在资产
③  附加资产
④  无形资产