We should bear in [] all these important rules.
【单选题】 The most important ___ of his speech was that we should all work whole-heartedly for the people.
①  element
②  sport
③  chance
④  point
【单选题】 The most important ________ of his speech was that we should all work whole-heartedly for people.
①  element
②  spot
③  sense
④  point
【判断题】 Above all we should do this thing correctly.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 We should always keep in mind that ____ decisions often lead to bitter regrets.
①  hasty
②  instant
③  promp
④  rapid
【单选题】 We should always keep in mind that _____decisions often lead to bitter regrets.
①  hasty
②  instant
③  prompt
④  rapid
【单选题】 Doris kept reading the poem ______ she could bear it in her mind.
①  until
②  unless
③  when
④  and
【单选题】 When we speak to people, we should be ______.
①  as polite as possible
②  as polite as possibly
③  as politely as possible
④  as politely as possibly
【单选题】 We should be ( )about the future
①  pessimistic
②  pessimism
③  optimistic
④  optimism
【单选题】 2. When we speak to people, we should be ___.
①  as polite as possible
②  as polite as possibly
③  as politely as possible
④  as politely as possibly
【单选题】 Hitler was wrong and we should ______ to help Russia.
①  go out all@go all out
②  make out all
③  make all out
【单选题】 下列不属于循环型蒸发器的是()。
①  单程型蒸发器
②  中央循坏管式
③  强制循坏式蒸发器
④  外加热式蒸发器
【单选题】 结晶设备按操作方式分( )。
①  母液循坏结晶器
②  间歇结晶器
③  蒸发结晶器
④  冷却结晶器
【单选题】 对于管路标注IA0601—25×3,下列说法不正确的是( )。
①  “01”是管段序号
②  该管道公称直径为25?
③  “IA”表示压缩空气
④  “06”是工段号
【单选题】 动设备又称为( )。
①  化工机器
②  塔器
③  化工设备
④  化工机械
【单选题】 ( )具有优良的电绝缘、防水和化学稳定性,可制作设备衬里、金属表面防腐涂层等。
①  聚乙烯
②  聚丙烯
③  耐酸酚醛
④  聚四氟乙烯
【单选题】 化工设备管理注重不包括( )。
①  小修
②  调修
③  大修
④  中修
【单选题】 根据操作方法分类不正确的是( )。
①  半间歇式
②  绝热式
③  间歇式
④  连接式
【单选题】 下列不属于釜式反应器的结构的是( )。
①  电动机
②  搅拌装置
③  釜体
④  轴封装置
【单选题】 反应釜的作用不包括( )。
①  使气体在液相中作均匀分散
②  通过对参加反应的介质的充分搅拌,使物料混合均匀
③  减弱传热效果和相间传热
④  使不相容的另一相液相均匀悬浮或充分乳化选项
【单选题】 造成超温超压的原因( )。
①  误操作
②  仪表失灵
③  釜内声音异常
④  进气阀失灵