The thunderbolt frightened the sleeping baby. Here thunderbolt takes [] meaning.
【单选题】 Its a such cold winter day! Here cold takes the []meaning.
①  denotative
②  connotative
【单选题】 Kirsten is the mother of her students. Here mother takes the [] meaning.
①  denotative
②  connotative
【单选题】 The writer rushed his book into print. Here rush takes the [] meaning.
①  denotative
②  connotative
【单选题】 He was the Emperor of the Berlin Olympics in 1936. here emperor takes the [] meaning.
①  denotative
②  connotative
【单选题】 Jack is a big brother in the eyes of his classmates. Here brother takes [] meaning.
①  denotative
②  connotative
【单选题】 When my own son was five years old, I became ( )for another baby.
①  eager
②  desire
③  yearn
④  wish
【单选题】 What meaning is referred to if we say the meaning of “dog” is friendship and loyalty?
①  denotative meaning
②  connotative meaning
③  literal meaning
④  labeled meaning.
【单选题】 What meaning is referred to if we say the meaning of “dog” is an animal with four legs and a tail, often kept as a pet or trained for work?
①  denotative meaning
②  connotative meaning
③  extended meaning
④  inspired meaning.
【单选题】 He was frightened by ____of lightning.
①  a bowl
②  a piece
③  a flash
④  a set
【单选题】 Although she was frightened, she answered with a ____ voice.
①  quiet
②  silent
③  still
④  calm
【单选题】 双子叶植物根的次生构造由外到内依次为( )
①  韧皮部、木质部、形成层、周皮
②  周皮、韧皮部、形成层、木质部
③  周皮、木质部、形成层、韧皮部
④  周皮、韧皮部、木质部、形成层
【单选题】 由木质化的死细胞构成的疏导组织是( )。
①  导管
②  筛胞
③  伴胞
④  筛管
【单选题】 关于吐温80的错误表述是
①  吐温80是非离子型表面活性剂
②  吐温80可作为O/W型乳剂的乳化剂
③  吐温80无起昙现象
④  吐温80的毒性较小
【判断题】 中国药典从1953年版即开始分为两部,其中第一部收载中药材和中药制剂。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 药品质量标准中,对于主药含量高的片剂其含量限度规定较严,而主药含量低的片剂,含量限度规定较宽。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 在气相色谱中,相对保留值只与柱温和固定相的性质有关,与其它操作条件无关。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 某物质摩尔吸光系数很大,则表明
①  该物质对某波长光的吸光能力很强
②  该物质浓度很大
③  测定该物质的精密度很高
④  测量该物质产生的吸光度很大
【单选题】 蜜炙药物冷却后,需采取的贮存方法为
①  吸湿法
②  清洁养护法
③  对抗同贮法
④  密闭法
⑤  以上都不是
【单选题】 生杜仲临床应用较少,一般用于
①  人治疗肾虚腰痛,起坐不利,膝软乏力
②  治疗肝肾亏虚,胎动不安,妊娠漏血
③  浸泡药酒,制备治腰痛的杜仲酒
④  治中风筋脉挛急,腰膝酸软,筋骨无力
⑤  治高血压症
【单选题】 炙后能增强止咳平喘作用的药物是
①  麻黄
②  百合
③  旋覆花
④  白前
⑤  枇杷叶