Of these two old people the former has died and the [] is alive and healthy.
【单选题】 The essential difference between grammar and lexicology is that the former deals with_______of words and the latter with _______ of words.
①  meanings; forms and structures
②  forms and structures; meanings
③  forms; structures and meanings
④  meanings and forms; structures
【单选题】 The old man died ___ cold ___ a cold night.
①  from; at
②  of; in
③  of; on
④  for; during
【单选题】 People’s hearts ____ the children whose parents died in the accident.
①  went out for
②  went out with
③  went out to
④  went out of
【判断题】 When efficiency and formality are in conflict, the fast-paced modern people often sacrifice the latter.
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 These seats are_____________ for old and sick people.
①  seen
②  driven
③  kept
④  reserved
【单选题】 20.Old Tom is _____the weather for a day or two.
①  above
②  for
③  in
④  under
【单选题】 Of the six people in the plane when it crashed, only one _____ . Everyone else died.
①  emerged
②  survived
③  existed
④  escaped
【单选题】 Well, that’s to say, every coin has two sides, ________ technology.
①  so is
②  so does
③  so has
④  so did
【单选题】 People often ____ the old days ____good times, and seem to forget the hardship they suffered.
①  hold--back
②  associate--with
③  put--down
④  turn--out
【单选题】 22. The two old sisters,_______ so long,held each other and burst into tears.
①  beingseparated
②  havingbeenseparated
③  havingsepartated
④  hadbeensepartated
【多选题】 乡村防灾体制机制包括()。
①  A.灾害防御规划
②  B.专项应急预案
③  C.法规制度
④  D.防灾人才培育
【判断题】 “徐蚌会战计划”是毛泽东提出来的。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 淮海战役的起止时间是()。
①  A.1948年10月6日至1949年2月10日
②  B.1948年10月6日至1949年1月10日
③  C.1948年11月6日至1949年1月10日
④  D.1948年11月6日至1949年2月10日
【单选题】 淮海战役歼灭国民党徐州“剿总”前进指挥部、5个兵团部、1个“绥靖区”司令部、22个军部、56个师,共()万余人。
①  A.45.5
②  B.55.5
③  C.60.5
④  D.65.5
【判断题】 “战略问题是研究战争全局的规律的东西。”这句话是毛泽东说的。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 在毛泽东向中原、华东领导人指出,淮海战役的作战方针是“隔断徐蚌,歼灭刘峙主力的总方针”时,大淮海战役的作战方针确立。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 在淮海战役中,解放军伤亡()万人。
①  A.10.4
②  B.11.4
③  C.12.4
④  D.13.4
【单选题】 “耕者有其田”的主张是()提出的。
①  A.毛泽东
②  B.周恩来
③  C.刘少奇
④  D.孙中山
【单选题】 ()年()月,国民党开始向解放区发动全面进攻,国共内战爆发。
①  A.1945,6
②  B.1945,7
③  C.1946,6
④  D.1946,7
【判断题】 毛泽东说:“在战术上我们要藐视一切敌人,在战略上我们要重视一切敌人。”
①  正确
②  错误