The little boy was [] hearted.
【单选题】 The policeman offered the little boy something ____ .
①  for eat
②  to eat
③  eat
④  to eating
【单选题】 The short story ____ the heart of the little boy with its unusual plot.
①  captured
②  cost
③  cast
④  chased
【单选题】 David and Sheila are unable to have children, but they’re hoping to __________ a little boy.
①  cultivate
②  raise
③  adopt
④  acquire
【单选题】 Thegirliswarm-hearted.She_____others.
①  alwayshelp
②  wasalwayshelping
③  helps
④  isalwayshelping
【单选题】 “By 1929, Mickey Mouse was as popular____ children as Coca-Cola.”
①  in
②  with
③  for
④  to
【判断题】 Rose wine,well-chilled are served with fish, chicken or seafood
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Is he [填空] Italian boy ?
①  an
②  a
③  one
④  /
【单选题】 The boy is not happy at the new school. He has _________ friends there.
①  few
②  a few
③  little
④  a little
【单选题】 The boy is not happy at the new school. He has ________ friends there.
①  few
②  a few
③  little
④  a little
【单选题】 6. The boy was ______ with joy.
①  beaming
②  bewildering
③  deducing
④  shrugging
【单选题】 金樱子去毛的方法为
①  用刃器刮
②  用毛刷刷
③  用砂炒法烫
④  与瓷片撞
⑤  挖去毛
【单选题】 判断团块状药材水软化程度是否合适,选用的检查方法是
①  弯曲法
②  指掐法
③  穿刺法
④  手捏法
⑤  以上都不是
【单选题】 昆布、海藻类的药物除去杂质的常用方法
①  筛选
②  挑选
③  风选
④  浸漂
⑤  水选
【单选题】 黄芩合理的切制方法是
①  用沸水煮透切片
②  用冷水煮透,软化切片
③  温水润软切片
④  用冷水浸润软化切片
⑤  用蒸气蒸软切片
【单选题】 质地松泡的药物宜切
①  薄片
②  厚片
【单选题】 益母草宜切
④  薄片
⑤  厚片
【单选题】 莱菔子、车前子除去杂质常用的方法是
①  挑选
③  水选
④  洗法
【单选题】 既可以用镑片法又可以用锉法的药材是
①  降香
②  羚羊角
③  鹿茸
④  苏木
⑤  槟榔
【单选题】 组成中含有鲜生地、白芍的方剂是( )
①  天麻钩藤饮
②  清营汤
③  消风散
④  羚角钩藤汤
【单选题】 川芎茶调散中有上清头目,制约风药过于温燥与升散作用的药物是( )
①  川芎
②  荆芥
③  清茶
④  薄荷