The [] was seen strolling with his kids in the park at dusk yesterday.
elect president
president elect
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blank with the correct form of the word given.5. The new ambassador presented his[填空1](credential)to the President yesterday.
【单选题】 The president has an ____________ secretary.
①  extensive
②  efficient
③  effective
④  expensive
【单选题】 19. The American people _____ a president every four years.
①  choose
②  elect
③  pick
④  select
【单选题】 17. Realizing the immense international pressure, the President_____ stepped down.
①  conspicuously
②  gracefully
③  lonely
④  . truly
【单选题】 The heroine Tess in Tess of the Durbervilles seems to be led to her final destruction step by step by ______, as Hardy says at the end of the novel: “Justice was done, and the President of the Immortals had ended his sport with Tess.”
①  Angel Clare
②  Alec
③  Fate
④  Jude
【单选题】 The boy was seen ______ the piano at 9 yesterday evening.
①  to play
②  play
③  playing
④  played
【单选题】 24.All the President’s Men _____ one of the important books for scholars who study the Watergate Scandal.
①  remains
②  remained
③  remain
④  is remaining
【多选题】 Tom_____________ a letter from his mother yesterday.
①  got
②  accepted
③  bought
④  received
【单选题】 Mr. Clinton, together with his wife and children, _______ going to the park next weekend.
①  is
②  has
③  are
④  was
【单选题】 — David injured his leg playing football yesterday.— Really? ______?
①  Who did that
②  Whats wrong with him
③  How did that happen
④  Why was that
【单选题】 我国《刑法》第28条规定:“对于被胁迫 参加犯罪的,应当按照他的犯罪情节减轻处罚或者免除处罚。”这一规定体现了刑法哪一项基本原则?
①  罪刑法定原则
②  刑法适用人人平等原则
③  罪责自负,反对株连原则
④  罪责刑相适应原则
【判断题】 公民被宣告为失踪人以后,其他民事权利能力并没有因此消灭,与失踪人人身有关的民事法律关系并没有因此发生变化( )。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 人民法院确认人民调解协议其效力的,具有强制执行力( )。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 当事人申请人民法院确认人民调解协议案件,下列哪些情形人民法院不予受理( ):
①  不属于人民法院受理民事案件的范围或者不属于接受申请的人民法院管辖的
②  确认身份关系的
③  确认收养关系的
④  确认婚姻关系的
【多选题】 认定财产无主案件的条件( ):
①  必须是有形财产
②  该财产的主体不明。
③  财产没有所有人或者所有人不明的状态,应当持续一定的时间。
④  精神财产
【判断题】 特别程序的基本特征是审理对象均为非民事争议的案件,也就不存在对立的当事人( )。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 失踪人的财产代管人向失踪人的债务人要求偿还债务的,可以作为原告提起诉讼( )。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 除了选民本人,其他组织或者公民不能担任选民资格案件的起诉人( )。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 利害关系人因正当理由不能在判决前向人民法院申报的,可以通过普通诉讼程序来解决票据权利义务纠纷,给利害关系人以必要的救济( )。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 判决宣告票据无效的,可由审判员一人独任审理( )
①  正确
②  错误