The neutral word is [].
unmarried woman
maiden lady
【单选题】 The neutral word is [].
①  sly
②  clever
③  of high IQ
④  foxy
【单选题】 The neutral word is [].
①  tempting
②  charming
③  coquettish
【单选题】 The neutral word is [].
①  cocky
②  proud
③  arrogant
④  self-confident
【单选题】 The neutral word is [].
①  updated
②  new
③  newfangled
【单选题】 The neutral word is [].
①  prudent
②  shy
③  cowardly
【单选题】 In Henry James’ The Portrait of A Lady, the author tries to portray the young woman as an embodiment of ______.
①  the force of convention
②  the free spirit of the New World
③  the decline of aristocracy
④  the corruption of the newly rich
【单选题】 The pejorative word is [].
①  spinster
②  unmarried woman
③  maiden lady
【单选题】 The appreciative word is[].
①  spinster
②  unmarried woman
③  maiden lady
【单选题】 In his masterpiece The Portrait of A Lady, Henry James _________.
①  incarnates the clash between the Old World and the New in the life journey of an American girl in a European cultural environment
②  tells a story about a young and innocent American confronting the complexity of the European life as well as the American society
③  describes a young American girl who gets “killed” by the winter in Rome
④  tells about some Europeans who learn with difficulty to adapt themselves to the American life
【单选题】 The woman murdered her friend and ______ to ______.
①  was sentenced , death
②  sentencing , die
③  sentenced , death
④  sentenced , die
【单选题】 细菌性结膜炎导致的患眼分泌物较多时,可先应用灭菌生理盐水、( )%硼酸水冲洗结膜囊
【单选题】 局部严重红肿热痛,伴有发热等全身症状者或患有糖尿病等基础疾病的口腔感染患者可短期口服抗菌药物( )天
【单选题】 氟康唑的适应证不包括( )
【单选题】 以下哪种抗菌药物可以引起新生儿的溶血性贫血( )
【单选题】 鼠咬伤所致的皮肤、软组织感染可选药物( )
【单选题】 深部真菌感染不可选用( )
【单选题】 ( )所致的血流感染多生在社区
【单选题】 肺炎克雷伯菌所致的慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重可选( )进行治疗
【单选题】 慢性细菌性前列腺炎患者的磺胺疗程为( )
【单选题】 两性霉素B对哪类真菌感染无效( )