There [] five trees and a well behind her house.
【单选题】 The airport is five miles ____ my house.
①  away from
②  far from
③  far away from
④  far from away
【单选题】 At the end of The Fall of the House of Usher, the lady Madeline and her brother ______.
①  recover from their illness
②  fall dead together
③  flee from the decaying house
④  start a new life
【单选题】 She accused the man _____ breaking into her house.
①  at
②  of
③  for
④  with
【单选题】 Our new house is very ____ for me as I can get to the office in five minutes.
①  adaptable
②  convenient
③  available
④  comfortable
【单选题】 Helen believes if a man robs her of five dollars it is the same as if he _____ a hundred.
①  takes
②  will take
③  took
④  has taken
【单选题】 When she saw the clouds, she went back to the house to ____ her umbrella.
①  bring
②  fetch
③  take
④  carry
【单选题】 — Its very windy and dusty in Beijing . —Well, more trees______ every year to stop the wind and sand.
①  should plant
②  should planted
③  can planted
④  must be planted
【单选题】 Last month, the little girl _______ well enough by the neighbors while her parents were volunteering.
①  is cared for
②  was cared for
③  will be cared for
④  cares for
【单选题】 The fact ________ that we are behind the other classes.
①  seems to be
②  must be
③  remains
④  take
【单选题】 The fact ________ that we are behind the other classes.
①  seems to be
②  looks to be
③  remains
④  talk
【单选题】 判断下面哪个类不全是欧拉图:
①  完全图 Kn (n 3 3);
②  n (n 3 2)阶有向完全图;
③  完全图 Kn (n 3 3,n 为奇数);
④  完全二部图 Kr, s(r, s均为正偶数)。
【单选题】 设完全图 Kn (n 3 3)的顶点分别为 v1, v2, … , vn. 问 Kn 中有多少条不同的哈密顿回路:
①  1;
②  n;
③  n!;
④  (n - 1)! 。
【单选题】 设无向树 T 有2 个 2 度分支点, 3 个 3 度分支点, 其余的都是 叶子, 问 T 有多少片叶子:
①  4;
②  5;
③  6;
④  7。
【单选题】 设有向图D = áV, E?, 其中 V={v1, v2, v3, v4, v5}, E={áv4, v1?, áv1, v1?,áv1, v2?,áv1, v3?, áv3, v1?, áv5, v3?},则v1的闭邻域 N(v1) =
①  {v3, v4};
②  {v2, v3,v4};
③  {v1, v2, v3, v4};
④  {v2,v3}。
【单选题】 下面正整数数列中, 哪个不能充当无向树的度数列:
①  (1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3);
②  (1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3);
③  (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3);
④  (1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4)。
【单选题】 对于5阶完全图 K5,下面哪个说法是正确的:
①  既不是欧拉图也不是哈密顿图;
②  是欧拉图非哈密顿图;
③  是哈密顿图非欧拉图;
④  既是欧拉图又是哈密顿图。
【单选题】 设 T=为图 G=的生成树, 则下列哪个正确:
①  |V1|=|V0|且|E1|=|E0|;
②  |V1|=|V0|且|E1|=|E0|;
③  |V1|=|V0|且|E1|
④  |V1|=|V0|且|E1|=|E0|。
【单选题】 设n (n 3 3)阶无向树 T 的最大度?(T)最多为几:
①  n/2;
②  n - 2;
③  n - 1;
④  n。
【单选题】 实数集上二元运算f(x,y)=max(x,y),下面哪个说法不正确的是:
①  可交换;
②  可结合;
③  有幺元;
④  等幂。
【单选题】 设集合L = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5},对于整除关系能够构成:
①  仅偏序集不是格;
②  仅格不是分配格;
③  仅分配格不是布尔代数;
④  布尔代数。