There [] five trees and a well behind her house.
【单选题】 The airport is five miles ____ my house.
①  away from
②  far from
③  far away from
④  far from away
【单选题】 At the end of The Fall of the House of Usher, the lady Madeline and her brother ______.
①  recover from their illness
②  fall dead together
③  flee from the decaying house
④  start a new life
【单选题】 She accused the man _____ breaking into her house.
①  at
②  of
③  for
④  with
【单选题】 Our new house is very ____ for me as I can get to the office in five minutes.
①  adaptable
②  convenient
③  available
④  comfortable
【单选题】 Helen believes if a man robs her of five dollars it is the same as if he _____ a hundred.
①  takes
②  will take
③  took
④  has taken
【单选题】 When she saw the clouds, she went back to the house to ____ her umbrella.
①  bring
②  fetch
③  take
④  carry
【单选题】 — Its very windy and dusty in Beijing . —Well, more trees______ every year to stop the wind and sand.
①  should plant
②  should planted
③  can planted
④  must be planted
【单选题】 Last month, the little girl _______ well enough by the neighbors while her parents were volunteering.
①  is cared for
②  was cared for
③  will be cared for
④  cares for
【单选题】 The fact ________ that we are behind the other classes.
①  seems to be
②  must be
③  remains
④  take
【单选题】 The fact ________ that we are behind the other classes.
①  seems to be
②  looks to be
③  remains
④  talk
【判断题】 必须积极从国外引进先进技术设备,是由邓小平提出的。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 上层建筑,很多东西要改进。我们出个国,办手续,快者三个月,慢者半年。这样的上层建筑不适应,要大胆改革,是由华国锋提出的。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 华国锋曾提出,思想再解放一点,胆子再大一点,办法再多一点,步子再快一点。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 中国不仅是毛泽东思想的故乡,也是夜郎自大的故乡,是邓小平提出的。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 习近平总书记指出,党的十一届三中全会是划时代的,开启了改革开放和社会主义现代化建设历史新时期。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 1978年11月10号召开的中央工作会议历时多少天?
①  6天
②  16天
③  26天
④  36天
【单选题】 关于实践标准的问题,是个思想路线问题,对实际工作关系很大,是非搞不清楚,就不能坚持实事求是,是由下列哪位提出的?
①  习仲勋
②  华国锋
③  陈云
④  邓小平
【单选题】 现在的中央委员,有的可以不履行职权,不参加会议活动,但不除名,不要给人印象是权力斗争,是由下列哪位提出的?
①  习仲勋
②  华国锋
③  陈云
④  邓小平
【单选题】 到1977年,全国粮食总产量为()。
①  4654亿斤
②  5654亿斤
③  6654亿斤
④  7654亿斤
【单选题】 在1978年11月10号召开的中央工作会议中,农林部部长杨立功指出,南方以水稻为主的地区,社员口粮在400斤以下者,占()。
①  37.9%
②  47.9%
③  57.9%
④  67.9%