All people, [] they are old or young, have been trying their best to help those in need.
even if
no matter
【单选题】 Young drivers under 25 have the highest number of accidents while those over 50 have ______.
①  the less
②  the least
③  the fewer
④  the fewest
【单选题】 Young people who have got jobs may realize university lessons cant be the only preparation for all of the situations ________ appear in the working world.
①  where
②  when
③  that
④  what
【单选题】 It has been raining all day, but even though it______, we______there by tomorrow.
①  didnt rain, couldn’t get
②  hadn’t rained, couldn’t get
③  didn’t rain, can’t get
④  hadn’t rained, can’t get
【单选题】 The open university was started in order to help those who ___ having a university education when they were young.
①  stopped
②  failed
③  missed
④  ceased
【单选题】 The old couple, whose kids have all passed away, have to ( ) only with their small pensions.
①  get at
②  get to
③  get by
④  get through
【单选题】 There have been few novels by revolutionaries free of those faults____ by Marx and Engels.
①  punished
②  blamed
③  criticized
④  scolded
【判断题】 Given that they are fresh from the university, the young people have done a good job.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 The lives of many people have been enriched_________ adult education.
①  because
②  because of
③  as a result
④  so that
【多选题】 The lives of many people have been enriched_________ adult education.
①  because
②  because of
③  due to
④  owing to
【判断题】 A: Have you been wasting time on computer games again? B: Not really. I’ve been studying a lot and I need a break.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 “眼里飘来一道鞭影,/他抬起头望望前面。”这是臧克家( )一诗中的名句。
①  老马
②  烙印
③  难民
④  生活
【单选题】 下列哪一位诗人不是现代中国的女性诗人。( )
①  林徽因
②  卞之琳
③  郑敏
④  陈敬容
【单选题】 “列车轧在中国的肋骨上/一节接着一节社会问题”。这是诗人( )的《风景》一诗中的名句。
①  辛笛
②  穆旦
③  郑敏
④  陈敬容
【单选题】 “而你们,站在那儿/将成为人类的一个思想。”这是诗人( )的《金黄的稻束》一诗中的名句。
①  辛笛
②  穆旦
③  郑敏
④  陈敬容
【单选题】 下列哪一个名字不是“九叶诗人”中的成员。( )
①  辛笛
②  穆旦
③  郑敏
④  绿原
【单选题】 “只要你听着我的歌声落了泪,/就不必打开窗门问我,‘你是谁?’”这是( )在《蚕马》一诗中的名句。
①  徐志摩
②  朱湘
③  闻一多
④  冯至
【单选题】 下列诗人中不属于新月诗派的是( )。
①  徐志摩
②  朱湘
③  闻一多
④  冯至
【判断题】 创造社1921年6月成立于日本。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 文学研究会是一个提倡“为艺术的艺术”的文学社团。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 五四时代提出“人的文学”的口号指向的是中国文学在思想内容方面的革新。
①  正确
②  错误