Because he hadnt finished his assignment, so he continued working in the classroom. Is this a complete sentence?
【单选题】 He’s got an assignment in Tokyo, so he _______work abroad.
①  is going to
②  wants
③  would like to
【判断题】 His government insisited that he stay until he finished his degree.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 16. He was put into prison, but he never _____ ,and continued his fight.
①  gave up
②  gave in
③  stopped
④  gave way
【单选题】 23. Realizing that he hadnt enough money and ______ to borrow from his father, he decided to sell his watch.
①  not wanted
②  not to want
③  not wanting
④  . wanting not
【判断题】 It was because he was too clumsy to drive a car that Jim hadnt learned to drive.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Tom is hard-working, so its _____________ that he won the match.
①  no wonder
②  a pity
③  a surprise
④  a mystery
【单选题】 He is a teacher and so [填空] his wife.
①  does
②  is
③  do
④  did
【单选题】 He believed his lucky number was ten, so he decided to live on the ______ floor.
①  lowest
②  ten
③  tenth
【单选题】 The old man returning home after eight years absence to find that all the neighbors he had known were no longer there. Is this a complete sentence?
①  Yes
②  No
【单选题】 Jack is so ____ to his appearance that he never has his clothes pressed.
①  adverse
②  anonymous
③  indifferent
④  casual
【单选题】 双凸轮轴结构不可能出现在下述结构中
①  V型发动机
②  4气门配气方式
③  侧置气门式
④  齿形带传动方式
【单选题】 发动机气缸磨损的检验, 主要是测量其
①  直线度和同轴度
②  平行度和平面度
③  垂直度和圆跳动
④  圆度和圆柱度
【单选题】 为了减轻活塞环的磨损, 通常对( ) 进行镀铬
①  第一道气环
②  第二道气环
③  油环
④  气环和油环
【单选题】 下列气门锥角正确的是
①  进气门: 15° 或 30° 、 排气门: 30°
②  进气门: 15° 或 30° 、 排气门: 45°
③  进气门: 30° 或 45° 、 排气门: 30°
④  进气门: 30° 或 45° 、 排气门: 45°
【单选题】 发动机中的气门弹簧是用来
①  转动气门
②  避免气门杆弯曲
③  打开气门
④  关闭气门
【单选题】 下列活塞环由于截面形状对称, 安装时不需区分上下方向的种类是
①  扭曲环、 梯形环和桶面环
②  矩形环、 锥形环和桶面环
③  矩形环、 梯形环和桶面环
④  扭曲环、 锥形环和桶面环
【单选题】 扭曲环在工作时会扭曲是因为
①  加工成扭曲
②  环断面不对称
③  气体压力的作用
④  惯性力的作用
【单选题】 为使发动机某缸进、 排气门间隙均可调, 则必须使该缸活塞位于
①  进气行程下止点
②  压缩行程上止点
③  做功行程下止点
④  排气行程上止点
【单选题】 活塞环的开口间隙一般为
①  0.05~0. 10mm
②  0.10~0. 20mm
③  0.20~0. 50mm
④  0.50~0. 80mm
【单选题】 汽车发动机气门间隙值一般为
①  0.05~0. 10mm
②  0.10~0. 20mm
③  0.20~0. 50mm
④  0.50mm~1. 00mm