They are sweeping the floor wearing masks. Find any misplaced modifier in the sentence.
wearing masks
【单选题】 The drivers are told to drive carefully on the radio. Find any misplaced modifier in the sentence.
①  on the radio
②  the
③  carefully
【单选题】 I almost spent two hours on this exercise. Find any misplaced modifier in the sentence.
①  two
②  almost
③  on this exercise
【单选题】 The man was forced to steal a loaf of bread who was hungry. Find any misplaced modifier in the sentence.
①  The
②  a loaf of
③  who was hungry
【单选题】 People dont like to buy books in this bookstore with hard covers. Find any misplaced modifier in the sentence.
①  this
②  with hardcover
【单选题】 She happily deposits the money she has earned teaching English in her savings account. Find any misplaced modifier in the sentence
①  happily
②  she has earned
③  in her savings account
【单选题】 What are you wearing [填空] your sweater?
①  under
②  in
③  on
④  behind
【单选题】 She will have to find somewhere else to work, for she can’t ____this loud noise any longer.
①  come up with
②  catch up with
③  keep up with
④  put up with
【单选题】 One day we all may find it useful to have a(n) _____for sending documents, writing any pictures across the telephone lines.
①  receiver
②  echo
③  extension
④  facility
【单选题】 The old man returning home after eight years absence to find that all the neighbors he had known were no longer there. Is this a complete sentence?
①  Yes
②  No
【简答题】 Translate the sentence by using “subject clause”or“find oneself+prep./V-ing/V-ed”.3. At dusk they _______________ a valley (发现他们来到)
【单选题】 用一个字节表示无符号整数,能表示的最大整数是_____。
①  无穷大
②  128
③  256
④  255
【单选题】 下列设备中,属于输出设备的是( )
①  扫描仪
②  显示器
③  鼠标
④  光笔
【单选题】 在计算机中,信息的最小单位是________。
①  bit
②  Byte
③  Word
④  DoubleWord
【单选题】 一个完整计算机系统的组成部分应该是________。
①  主机、键盘和显示器
②  系统软件和应用软件
③  主机和它的外部设备
④  硬件系统和软件系统
【单选题】 计算机的微处理芯片上集成有_____部件。
①  CPU和运算器
②  运算器和I/O接口
③  控制器和运算器
④  控制器和存储器
【单选题】 计算机存储信息计量单位中的K代表( )。
①  102
②  210
③  103
④  28
【单选题】 冯·诺依曼(VonNeumann)在他的EDVAC计算机方案中,提出了两个重要的概念,它们是________。
①  采用二进制和存储程序控制的概念
②  引入CPU和内存储器的概念
③  机器语言和十六进制
④  ASCII编码和指令系统
【单选题】 通常打印质量最好的打印机是________。
①  针式打印机
②  点阵打印机
③  喷墨打印机
④  激光打印机
【单选题】 微型计算机使用的键盘上的BackSpace键称为_____。
①  控制键
②  上档键
③  退格键
④  交替换档键
【单选题】 微型计算机中,运算器的主要功能是_____。
①  算术运算
②  逻辑运算
③  算术和逻辑运算
④  初等函数运算