Which sentence is correct?
On entering the classroom, the students stood up and said, Good morning!
On entering the classroom, the teacher was greeted by the students with Good morning!
【单选题】 When is appropriate for the teacher to give classroom instructions to students?
①  Give directions to tasks or activities, checking comprehension, giving feedback
②  Providing explanations to a concept or language structure, drawing attention
③  Setting requirements, checking comprehension, assigning homework
④  All of the above.
【判断题】 Good + morning的结果为:Good morning。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 —Good morning, John. How are you doing?—____.
①  Im pleased.
②  Good night.
③  Not so bad. And you?
④  How do you do?
【单选题】 --Good morning,John. How are you doing?--________________
①  Im pleased.
②  Good night.
③  Not so bad. And you?
④  How do you do?
【单选题】 The students were not____ to leave the classroom without an adequate reason.?
①  permitted ?
②  remitted ?
③  admitted ?
④  emitted?
【单选题】 Good morning, sir. May I help you?
①  No, I don’t buy anything
②  No, I don’t need your help
③  Yes, I need some sugar
④  Oh, no. That’s OK
【单选题】 Which sentence is correct?
①  Hurrying to the classroom, no one was there.
②  Hurrying to the classroom, she saw nobody there.
【单选题】 — Good morning, Dr Johnsons office. Can I help you?— _______________________.
①  Speaking, please
②  Id like to make an appointment, please
③  Yes, go on
④  No, you cant
【单选题】 Which sentence is correct?
①  Afer finishing her composition, she took up the translation exercise.
②  Afer finishing her composition, the translation exercise was taken up.
【单选题】 Thats pretty good that you get up and go running, but I ______ like running early in the morning since I’ve got to prepare breakfast for my family.
①  have a good time
②  have a hard time
③  have time
④  have much time
【判断题】 2019年四大AMC受让债权占比最高的为信达。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 我国对于不持牌AMC并没有专门的规章制度出台,因此它处于不禁止即可参与的状态。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 不良资产处置涉及债权、物权和股权的处置和转移,资产处置方式也各有不同,主要可分原装处置模式和精细化处置模式。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 地方AMC经营的两极分化的现象比较明显。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 不良资产行业参与主体中的头部机构已出现行业协作化发展的趋势。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 2019年四大AMC受让债权占比排倒数第一的是()。
①  银河
②  东方
③  信达
④  华融
【单选题】 ()10月10日发布的《关于市场化银行债权转股权的指导意见》,正式拉开了中国新一轮债转股的大幕,金融AIC相继设立。
①  2012年
②  2014年
③  2016年
④  2018年
【单选题】 2020年3月,中国()资产管理有限责任公司成立,成为中国第五大全国性的AMC。
①  银河
②  东方
③  信达
④  华融
【判断题】 外资AMC进入中国不良资产市场已破除制度性障碍。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 我国不良资产行业形成了“4+3+银行系AIC+N”的行业格局。
①  正确
②  错误