There were some chairs left over[] everyone had sat down.
【单选题】 No sooner had he sat down to lunch ____ there was a knock at the door.
①  when
②  that
③  as
④  than
【单选题】 9.When the class was over, everyone made__________the dining room.
①  to
②  at
③  for
④  into
【单选题】 In a room above the store, where a party __________,some workers were busily setting the table.
①  was to be held
②  has been held
③  will be held
④  is being held
【单选题】 The inspector ____ his fingers over the sheet of newspaper. There were some marks on the surface of the paper.
①  turned
②  set
③  held
④  ran
【单选题】 Many people who had seen the film were afraid to go to the forest when they remembered the scenes ___ people were eaten by the tiger.
①  that
②  by which
③  which
④  in which
【单选题】 But the houses were cold, closed,______, and I ran on until I heard Jeremys screams behind me announcing that our attackers had fled.
①  unfriendly
②  unfriend
③  not friend
④  not friendly
【单选题】 We sat down by the oak tree, enjoying the [] coming from the lake.
①  breeze
②  wind
【单选题】 There were some ____ flowers on the table.
①  artificial
②  unnatural
③  false
④  unreal
【单选题】 The room had a seating ( ) of over 200.
①  capacity
②  capable
③  capacitive
④  capacious
【单选题】 It was not until she had finished all her work_____.
①  did she return
②  that she returned
③  when she returned
④  that did she return
【单选题】 软件的程序复杂度应满足
①  越高越好
②  越低越好
③  适中最好
④  以上都不对
【判断题】 程序流程图不易表示数据结构
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 PAD图不是一个好的逐步求精工具
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 Halstead法一般用于度量软件的需求分析结果的好坏
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 选出下面中是结构化详细设计的工具
①  程序流程图
②  N-S图
③  系统流程图
④  PAD图
【单选题】 详细设计的主要任务是
①  划分软件的结构
②  设计每个模块的算法和数据结构
③  定义数据类型
④  具体编写程序
【单选题】 下面哪种工具更适合表达复杂的条件组合和应做的动作对应关系
①  数据流图
②  程序流程图
③  PAD图
④  判定表
【单选题】 在使用jackson法进行详细设计时,如果输入输出的数据结构不在同一个层次,对应的处理框在程序结构图中应和哪个层次对应
①  层次低的
②  层次高的
③  层次居中的
④  以上都不对
【单选题】 下面哪个工具是详细设计的工具
①  jackson图
②  数据流图
③  软件结构图
④  层次方框图
【单选题】 jckson图可以表示
①  数据结构
②  业务程序结构
③  既能表示数据结构又能表示程序结构
④  以上都不对